Interview responses for a project book introducing 139 underground musicians from around the world

1.What is your Artist name and do you want your actual name included too? What are your pronouns?
My artist name is "hiroyuki chiba." My real name is hiroyuki chiba. I added a "dot" to my artist name. I've been using my real name for a long time, but since 2024 I've added a "dot."

2.Tell us a bit about yourself
Artist name: hiroyuki chiba.
Runs the noise label Eerie Noise Records.
Japanese noise artist. Started his career as a drummer. Has been active as a noise artist since 2011. Pursues noise music using the cut-up technique. Striving to establish his own unique style.

3.Name of your project/s or band
My projects are:
1) running my own label, eerie noise records;
2) planning events by inviting artists I respect; and
3) weekend tours.

4.What is your mission
I think my mission is to go to areas where noise music is not well known and perform there. I hope that the people who see my performance will overturn the image of noise music that is generally known. Above all, I hope that my performance will refresh the people who see it.

5.How do you want your listener to perceive you
This is a different answer to your question, but I practice every day and try to establish my own playing style. New instruments are released one after another, but if I can face the equipment and make it my own, I think I can perform well with minimal equipment. And I want to continue playing so that I don't have any regrets in my life.

6.Name of your other band members
I am a solo artist.

7.An album or song that you think a new listener should start with
hiroyuki chiba / Jay Randall split cassette

also please attach a promo photo for the book

Marcy Angeles (she/her)
Author of The Queers Of The Underground
Links To My Work: :
