Sustainable Finance REFERENCE: 2001-2022
持続可能性金融sustainable 環境金融 REFERENCE in chronological order
Michael C. Jensen, Value Maximisation, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function, European Financial Management, Vol.7, No.3, Sept.2001, 297-317.
Aloy Soppe, Sustainable Finance and the Stakeholder Equity Model. In, Cowton and Haase ed. Trends in Business and Economic Ethics. Springer 2008, 198-228.
権威主義=国家資本主義論 ブレマー『自由主義の終焉』2010
Branko MIlanovic, Global Income Inequality in Numbers: In History and Now, Global Policy, 2013 Vol.4 No.2, May 2013
sustainability from Sustainable Japan 2014/02/02
Richard Baron and David Fischer, Divestment and Stranded Assets in the Low-carbon Transition, OECD, Oct.28, 2015
投資引き揚げ(ダイベストメント)と座礁資産 OECD Oct.28 2015
green washing from Sustainable Japan Dictionary 2016/03/02
日本国内の企業による取り組み事例 前川統一郎(国際航業)2017-03-15
水害 企業の対応 リスク対応能力の向上
温度予測 販売予測に応用
Dirk Schoenmaker, From Risk to Opportunity. A Framework for Sustainable Finance, Rotterdam School of Management. Erasmus University, 2017
リスクではなく機会としてー持続可能性金融の枠組み Aug.2017
University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership, Rewiring the Economy. Ten tasks, ten years. July 2015, updated Nov.2017.
経済の流れを変えるための10個の課題 UCISL updated Nov.2017
環境金融をめぐる動き 奥山祐夫(環境省)2018-03-15
環境規制の強化に伴い 化石燃料自体あるいはそれに関連した設備などが座礁資産stranded asset つまり大幅に価値が減少し、投資家にすれば投資を回収できなくなる資産になることなどが議論されている。投資家はこのリスクに対応して、ダイベストメントdivestment、すなわちこのような分野を投資対象から外す動きを始めている。
Simon and Ulrich, Central Banking, Climate Change, and Green Finance, ADB Working Paper No.867, Sept2018
民間企業の気候変動適応ガイドー気候リスクに備え勝ち残るために 環境省 2019年3月
工場・事務所 脆弱な場所に立地していないか
運送経路 危険性はないか
エネルギー 水など依存度が高くないか
危険性・依存度を下げる 事業継続性を高めコスト削減につながる
対応するビジネス 新たなビジネスチャンスになる
Business Roundtable Redefines the Purpose of a Corporation, Aug.19, 2019
会社の目的の再定義に関する宣言 Business Roundtable Aug.19, 2019
Branko Milanovic, With the US and China, Two Types of Capitalism Are Competing With Each Other Promarket (Stigler Center) Sep.25, 2019
二つの資本主義の競争 ProMarket Sept. 2019
Daniela Gabor, Securitization for Sustainability. Does it help achieve the sustainable development goals? Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Oct.2019.
Davos Manifesto 2020: The Universal Purpose of a Company, De.2, 2019
ダボス宣言2020, 会社の普遍的目的 Dec.2, 2019 2022年11月15日
Panel: The Future of Global Capitalism-Branko Milanovic in Conversation, Stone Center, Dec.11, 2019
Hyougkun Park & Jong Dae Kim, Transition towards greenbanking : role of financial regulator and financial institutions, Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility 5, Mar 2020
Rebecca Henderson, Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire, April 2020
OECD Sustainable and Resilient Finance. OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2020.
James Lewis, Financial resilience in banking: a balancing act, KPMG, Dec.2020
Macro Miglioprelli, What do we mean by sustainable finance? assessing existing frameworks and policy risks, Sustainability 2021,13,975. Jan 19, 2021
Celso Brunetti and others, Climate Change and Financial Stability, BGFRS FEDS Notes, Mar.19, 2021
気候変動と金融の安定性 Fed Note, Mar.19, 2021 2022年11月11日閲覧
Alex Nicholls, Sustainable Finance: A Primer and Recent Development, Asian Development Bank, April 2021
世界と日本のESG投資 GSIR2020 Sustainable Japan 2021/07/15
Rebecca Henderson, Reimagining Capitalism, Management and Business Review, Vol.1 No.1, Winter 2021(posted Sep. 2021)
資本主義の再構築 2021
Financial markets and climate transition. Opportunities, challenges and policy implications. OECD, Oct.2021
Lea Fobbe and Per Hiletofth, The role of stakeholder interaction in sustainable business models. A systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.327, 10 Dec. 2021
Atle Midttun, Governance and Business Models for Sustainable Capitalism, Routledge, Jan. 2022
Sun, Small, Huang, and Ger. Financial shocks, financial stress and financial resilience of Australian households during COVID-19. Sustainability 2022,14, 3736. Mar.22, 2022.
Brooke Fox, Chart of the Week: Income Inequality Threatens Capitalism, Promarket(Stigler Center), May 4, 2022
資本主義を脅かす所得の不平等 Promarket May 4, 2022
ECB, Russia-Ukraine war increases financial stability risk, ECB Financial Stability Review finds, 25 May 2022.
Jason Dess, The war in Ukraine : Four areas of focus for finance and risk, Accenture, May 27, 2022
![福光 寛 中国経済思想摘記](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/8334246/profile_85817a44e986d7a947d9be7fece96f67.jpg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)