



Aki on Stanford -My 1st step to change the world 世界を変える第一歩!-

From CA this time! Aki, who earned a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) at…

Tomo’s Story at Harvard Law School -ハーバード・ロースクール留学記-

Today Tomo recounts his study at undoubtedly prestigious Harvard Law School, followed by…

Akiko's Story- Becoming a child life specialist 医療環境にある子どもに支援を提…

From east to west coast! Today Akiko, who studied abroad in pursuit of becoming a child …

Midori’s Story at NYU Law –break out of ur shell! 留学は自分の殻を打ち破るチャ…

Welcome back to NYC! I’m happy to introduce Midori who studied at New York University (…

Nao at Caltech – No excuse if you have a chance! 機会があるなら言い訳無用!

This time, as one of the study/work abroad episodes, I’m going to introduce Nao, who wo…

Takako at UC Berkeley –Dive into a broader world!広い世界へ飛び込め!-

Today I’m going to introduce Takako, who has studied abroad when she was both during hi…

Ken's episode – Our strength as Japanese? 日本人としての強み-

This time, I heard from Ken, who is working in New York City. How can we as Japanese figure out our strengths in a competitive workplace like in New York? Let's see. さて今回は、私と同じニューヨークで海外勤務をされているKenさんからお話を伺いました。日本人がニューヨークの激しい競争環境でどのように自らの強みを見

Fujibow’s episode –Software engineer in San Jose

Today, I’m going to introduce Fujibow, who has been a software engineer in San Jose. He…