



Aki on Stanford -My 1st step to change the world 世界を変える第一歩!-

From CA this time! Aki, who earned a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) at…

Kei’s Story in Toronto ~In pursuit of diversity 多様性を追い求めて~

This time we're in Canada! Kei recounts his story of studying Political Science at the U…

Tomo’s Story at Harvard Law School -ハーバード・ロースクール留学記-

Today Tomo recounts his study at undoubtedly prestigious Harvard Law School, followed by…

Midori’s Story at NYU Law –break out of ur shell! 留学は自分の殻を打ち破るチャ…

Welcome back to NYC! I’m happy to introduce Midori who studied at New York University (…

YM’s episode –expand online learning to Southeast Asia 東南アジアにオンライン…

Today I'm happy to announce the first working-abroad episode – of YM-san, who is workin…

Daiki in Turkey –recognize both similarity & differences 共通項と差異の双方を認…

This time Daiki, who studied in Turkey, talked about his unique experience! He almost st…

Nao at Caltech – No excuse if you have a chance! 機会があるなら言い訳無用!

This time, as one of the study/work abroad episodes, I’m going to introduce Nao, who worked at Caltech in the U.S. His experience as a post-doctoral fellow is quite different from others, and after coming back to Japan, how does he reflect

Takako at UC Berkeley –Dive into a broader world!広い世界へ飛び込め!-

Today I’m going to introduce Takako, who has studied abroad when she was both during hi…

Fujibow’s episode –Software engineer in San Jose

Today, I’m going to introduce Fujibow, who has been a software engineer in San Jose. He…

Fumi’s episode –Put your thoughts and passions into action! 思いと情熱を行動へ…

This time, I'm honored to introduce Fumi, who is now studying at the University of Susse…

Mari’s Episode – Get out of comfort zone! 居心地の良い場所から飛び出せ!

Today let me introduce Mari, who is now working in Singapore after studying in Australia…