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はじめまして。 純ジャパ留学経験なし27歳の男です。 20代のうちに英語を話せるようになるまでのnoteです。 主に日記を習慣化させるためにnoteを続けてみようと始めてみました。 英語にまつわることや日々の出来事を共有していきます。 生い立ち 神奈川県出身。 (この言い方する人は横浜以外の出身。絶対に。) 小中高は地元の公立校に通ってました。 高校も普通科で偏差値もそんなに高いわけでもなく、 家から近いだけの普通の高校でした。 いわゆる英語教育は文部科学省の指導要領

    • Day 40. Have you learned something new lately?

      I learned that it is productive to forcus on a few materials when I want to improve or study something. I tend to try various things like buying new textbooks and they are still incomplete. So I decided to choose two things for English lear

      • Day 39. Tell me what you did today.

        I worked till 6 p.m, and trained my chest at home. After that, I was ready for dinner like seard tuna on the vinegared rice. That tuna was sent from Yaizu city, Shizuoka prefucture where I paid resident tax instead of paying to my living ci

        • Day 38. Do you visit anywhere often?

          I often visit a nearby outlet mall because the city where I live now has no place to buy clothes which I like. When I want to go shopping, I need to drive for about an hour. There are so great value at outlet shops, but it is incovinient fo

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