

基礎情報 / Basic info

Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport is the largest airport in Poland, located in the capital city of Warsaw. It is a hub for LOT Polish Airlines. 

撮影環境 / Environment

  • 撮影リスク / Risk:低 / Low

  • 撮影環境 / Enviroment:◎

  • トラフィック / Traffic:◎

ポーランドでは飛行機撮影が合法で、全く問題なく撮影できます。空港の展望デッキの他に、外周にもいくつか撮影スポットがあり、フェンスに撮影穴が設けられている場所もあります。滑走路は2本あり、東西に走る11/29 (2800m) と南北に走る15/33 (3690m) があります。短いほうの滑走路は主にA320やB737、エンブラエル機などが使用し、長いほうの滑走路は単通路機の他にB777やB787が主に使用します。空港ターミナル北東部はポーランド軍の敷地になっており、政府専用機のベースになっているので高確率でポーランド政府専用機を撮影することができます。
Plane spotting in Poland is legal, and you can photograph without any issues. There is an official observation deck in the terminal building, and there are some spotting locations along the airport vicinity. There are even some holes on fences to spot airplanes. There are two runways at this airport: 11/29 (2800m) and 15/33 (3690m). The shorter one is usually used by A320, B737 and Embraer planes. The longer one is usually used by B777 and B787 as well as narrow body jets. The northeastern area of the airport is for the Polish Air Force, and governmental planes of Poland are based here. You can most likely photograph them whenever you visit Warsaw. 

撮影スポット / Spotting locations

1.空港内展望デッキ / Observation deck at the airport 

空港内にある展望デッキです。この空港はターミナルが1つしかありませんが、展望デッキに行くにはチェックインカウンターなどがある建物から一度外に出る必要があります。地上階で建物の外に出ると、バス・タクシー乗り場があります。そこを右(南)へ進むと、オレンジの字で大きく Stacja Kolejowaと書かれた低い建物が見えてきます。その建物の手前で右に曲がると、展望デッキ入口が見えます。そこからエレベーターで上がると展望デッキです。ガラス越しの撮影ですが、屋根の近くは網になっているので外と気温は変わりません。冬場も暖房は一切ありませんでした。ただ、雨風はしのげます。開館時間は6時から22時、入場料無料です。午前中順光です。

The observation deck is located in the airport. There is only one terminal at this airport, but you first need to get out of the terminal building to enter the deck. Leave the building on the ground floor and turn right (to the south). Walk along the bus/ taxi area until the main terminal building ends. Turn right (towards the apron) in front of a building with large orange letters "Stacja Kolejowa". You will see an entrance to the observation deck on the right. 
You need to photograph through windows, but the deck and outside are separated by a net near the ceiling of the deck. Therefore, the temperature on the deck is the same as outside temperature. There is no heating during winter season. Still, you can be safe from the rain and wind. It is open from 6AM to 10PM, free entrance. Good light condition in the morning. 

Q400 200mm + トリミング / cropped
E190 70mm
B737MAX 200mm + cropped
B78709 140mm
A320 70mm
E190 70mm
B737MAX 70mm

2.ストア機横の丘 / Hill near stored planes


トラムのP+R Aleja Krakowska 04駅から徒歩でアクセスできます。Park & Flyという屋外駐車場の敷地の外(南側)にある未舗装の道を通っていきます。草が生えているので、ヨーロッパでみられるダニ脳炎防止の観点から夏場でも長ズボンは必須です。

This location is good for traffic on the shorter runway 11/29. It is not really suitable for traffic on the longer runway since there is a fire station blocking the view. You can photograph clearly without a fence because this location is on a small hill. Also, you can photograph departure traffic from RWY29 with some unique buildings in Warsaw background. 

You can reach there by walking from a tram station "P+R Aleja Krakowska 04". Take an unpaved path in the south of an open-air parking lot "Park & Fly". Do not walk inside the parking lot. Walk outside the vicinity of the parking lot because it is separated by a fence. 

E190 200mm

3.Paluch地区フェンス穴 / Fence holes in Paluch


Google Mapsなどでルート検索をすると南に大回りするルートしか表示されませんが、獣道を通ればショートカットできます。バスでSchronisko dla Zwierząt 01(または02)という停留所まで行き、そこからWiezowaという通りを北に進みます。しばらくすると、斜め左に道が分かれていく交差点に到達しますが、そのあたりで進行方向右手を見るとフェンスがあり、その下に膝上ぐらいの高さの穴が開けられています。この森にすむ動物が行き来できるように作られた穴ですが、そこを潜り抜けて獣道を進んでいくと撮影スポットに突き当たります。草の丈は高く、胸の高さまであるものもありました。長ズボン必須、できれば長袖もあった方が良いです。

This spot is located near the long runway, and there are about five holes on the fence for camera lenses. The fence is built along the runway, but holes are in this position and in the south. However, the southern ones are not useful because under half of the airplanes are blocked by grass and mounds. 

It is a little bit compliacted to reach this place. If you search on Google Maps, it will show that you need to walk all the way to the south. However, you can actually go there directly from a bus stop called "Schronisko dla Zwierząt 01 (or 02)". Take north on the street called Wiezowa, and follow the route until you see a point which there is a street going slightly to the left (see a screenshot below). Around this place, you will see a fence separating your street and the forest on the right, and there are some holes on the fence. They are probably made for animals which live in the forest, but you can actually enter from the biggest hole and follow a path into the forest. Note that grass is pretty high, hitting your chest. After like five minutes you will reach the spotting location. 

E170 200mm
B787-9 95mm
B787-9 95mm
B737-800 135mm
CS300 200mm

4.空港出発エリア内 / Airport departure zone


This is inside the security area. The northern end of the terminal building is for non-Schengen flights, and the rest is for Schengen flights. You can freely take pictures from gates, but you cannot see airplanes from lounges. You can see Polish governmental airplanes in both Schengen and non-Schengen areas. From the Schengen area, you can see them from the northeastern area around gate 1. From the non-Schengen area, you can see them anywhere on the eastern side. 

B737-800 135mm
Mi-8 200mm
E190 and B737-800 50mm
