基礎情報 / Basic info
Zurich Airport is the largest airport in Switzerland, and it is one of the most spotter friendly airports in Europe. There are three runways: 14/32, 16/34, 10/28. 14 is only for landing and 10 is for takeoff. 10/28 is the shortest one running from the west to the east, but B787 and A350-900 often take off from there. B777-300ER and A380 usually do not use this runway, but they sometimes use it when it is stormy. For details on runway operations at Zurich Airport, please watch the YouTube video (in German).
撮影環境 / Environment
撮影リスク / Risk:なし/ no risk
撮影環境 / Enviroment:◎
トラフィック / Traffic:◎
There are some spotting locations along fences in addition to observation decks at the airport. Also, you can use parking houses to spot airplanes. It would take a few days to visit all the spotting locations. There are also apron tours and maintenance hangers. You can spot airplanes on the apron just next to the airplanes if you participate in the "Apron Tour". Click the link below for more information.
ツアー / Tours
1.エプロンバスツアー / Bus Tour
3.WEFツアー / WEF Tour
撮影スポット / Spotting locations
1.滑走路交差点 "Pistenkreuz"「ピステンクロイツ」/ Runway Crossing Point "Pistenkreuz"
2.展望デッキGates B / Observation deck Gates B
ここの展望デッキは入場料がかかりますが、当日にチューリッヒ空港を出発または到着する航空券を所持している場合は無料で入場できます。Gate Bは主にシェンゲン域内の便が使用するので、SWISSやほかのヨーロッパ諸国の航空会社の単通路機を撮影できます。シェンゲン域外の便も稀に使用します。東西に走る滑走路10/28上の動きや14/32の動きは撮影できませんが、16/34の動きをよく撮影することができます。早朝は開いていないので、立体駐車場から34着陸機の写真をきれいに撮影できます。
You need to pay entrance fee unless you have a valid flight ticket departing or arriving Zurich Airport on the visiting day. You can mainly photograph airplanes at Gates B which are mostly for Schengen flights, but there are sometimes flights for outside the Schengen area. You can hardly see any traffic on RWY10/28 and absolutely no view on RWY14/32, but conditions for RWY16/34 are perfect at this spot. Since this deck does not open very early, you can use a parking house for traffic landing on RWY34 in the early morning.
3.展望デッキ Gates E / Observation Deck Gates E
こちらはシェンゲン域外のフライトのみ発着します。SWISSのワイドボディ機や中東、北米、アジアの航空会社が乗り入れています。A380対応のゲートもここにあります。デッキは制限エリア外になっていて、確かGates Bからバスで行けたと思います。エプロンバスツアーに参加すると、ツアー終了間際にここに寄ってもらえるので、希望者はここで降りてゲートEの展望デッキで撮影できます。滑走路は10/28と16/34が見えます。
This area is used exclusively by flights for non-Schengen area such as SWISS widebodies and airlines from Middle East, North America and Asia. There is a gate for A380 as well. The observation deck is outside the security area, and I think you can reach there by bus from Gates B. In my case, I joined the Apron Bus Tour from Gates B, and tour conductors led us leave the bus at Gates E at the end of the tour. Runways 10/28 and 16/34 are visible.
4.第3立体駐車場 / Parking House No. 3
You can photograph planes mainly in the maintenance area and landings on RWY34 in the morning, especially while the observation decks are still closed. Go to a higher floor for better photos.
5.第6立体駐車場 / Parking House No. 6
This place is the best for spotting airplanes on RWY28. You can use this parking house 24hours a day, unlike observation decks. You may photograph from the rooftop of the parking house, but I recommend you to use one floor below the rooftop since you can avoid sunlight, rain and wind. Since RWY28 is used mostly by narrowbodies, it is a good place for photographing many of these smaller planes effeciently. You can see landings on RWY14, but you need a lens bigger than 400mm or even 600mm.
ここはHeligrillというバーガー屋の裏にある公式撮影スポットです。小高い丘になっているのでフェンスを気にせず撮影できますが、照明用のポールだけ少し邪魔になります。目の前の16/34の飛行機の他に、28離陸の飛行機もよく撮影できます。28離陸の飛行機は単通路機が多いので、300mmから400mm程度あるとよいかもしれません。200mmでも少しだけトリミングをすれば何とかなります。最寄り駅はRümlangという鉄道駅ですが、チューリッヒ空港とは直通していないのでZürich Oerlikon駅で乗換が必要です。チューリッヒ中央駅とは直通しています。
This location is just behind a hamburger restaurant called Heligrill. It is a small hill and you can photograph without being distructed by fences, but ligh poles could sometimes be a problem. You have a good view towards RWY16/34 just in front of you, as well as takeoffs from RWY28. You might need 300mm or 400mm for departures from RWY28 as they are mostly narrowbodies, but 200mm with just a little bit of cropping also works fine. The closest station from here is Rümlang, but since there is no direct connection to Zurich Airport, you need to change a train at Zürich Oerlikon if you are coming from the airport. There are direct trains to Zürich Hauptbahnhof (main station).
ちなみに、Heligrillというバーガー屋さんは名前の通り、本物のヘリコプターの中で調理をしています。値段は少し高く感じますが、スイス基準だと平均的でしょう。もし節約したければ、近くのRadisson Hotelに入っているマクドナルドが一番安いです(宿泊者以外も利用可、ダブルチーズバーガーのMサイズセットでも1000円超、それでもこのあたりでは最安値…)。
As you can easily guess from its name, the restaurant "Heligril" uses a real helicopter for its grill. The prices might look expensive, but I guess it is average in Switzerland. If you are running out of money, you can go to McDonald's next to Radisson Hotel near the spotting location.
It looks like you are making an inefficient route, but it is because there is a small river in between the spotting location and McDonald's. If you believe you can make a short cut by crossing the cropfield, you will end up with making an extra journey to the north where you can cross the river.