
Collection of links: On “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning” (Gendlin, 1962/1997)

Position of ECM in the writings of Gendlin

Catherine Torpey wrote about “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning (ECM)” (Gendlin, 1962/1997) as follows:

A few years ago, I was having a chat with Gene Gendlin. In the course of our conversation, I referred to A Process Model as his magnum opus. That stopped the conversation cold. He vehemently corrected me, “No! ECM is!” (The Meaning of Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning)

It is not certain that Gendlin always regarded ECM as his magnum opus. Still, this early book was undoubtedly the basis for the inspiration of his later book, “A Process Model” (Gendlin, 1997/2018).

Collection of links to my blog posts on ECM

Below, I will provide links to the chapters of ECM that correspond to each of my previous blog posts.

Chapter I. The Problem of Experienced Meaning

Presentation slides and quotes at the Gendlin Symposium 2023

Chapter III. How Felt Meaning Functions

What does “direct” in “direct reference” mean? Determine the difference
between “reference” and “checking.

Gendlin’s basic term, “explication”: Q&A with Dr. Donata Schoeller

Comprehension and Metaphor in “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning” (Gendlin, 1962/1997)

Poet’s Elaboration

Chapter IV. Characteristics of Experienced Meaning as Functioning in New Symbolization

“Reversal” and the History of Metaphor Theory

Chapter V. The Principle of Universals

Entitizing and Universalizing

Interview with the Author, Gendlin

Recollections of My Visit to Dr. Gendlin


Gendlin, E. T. (1962/1997). Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective (Paper ed.). Northwestern University Press.

Gendlin, E. T. (1997/2018). A process model. Northwestern University Press.
