
ChatGPT x 英語 x NYT x 学び方

New York Timesは記事を毎月10記事まで、購読者に無料でシェアしてくれる機能があります。例えば以下の記事、プレゼントです。

E.P.A. Lays Out Rules to Turbocharge Sales of Electric Cars and Trucks



【プロンプト1】Could you summarize below NYT article in 300 words?

The Biden administration has proposed two plans that would require two-thirds of new passenger cars and 25% of new heavy trucks sold in the United States by 2032 to be all-electric. These regulations would be the most ambitious climate regulations the US has ever proposed. The new rules could lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions, helping the country achieve the pace that scientists believe is needed to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change. The proposals would require a major shift in the US auto industry, which currently only sees 5.8% of new cars sold as all-electric vehicles. Heavy trucks account for fewer than 2% of new sales. The E.P.A. cannot mandate that carmakers sell a certain number of electric vehicles. However, under the Clean Air Act, the agency can limit the pollution generated by the total number of cars each manufacturer sells, so companies would need to sell a certain percentage of zero-emissions vehicles to comply. Each model year, the car companies would report to the federal government the average greenhouse emissions of all new cars sold. Companies that fall short of the standard could be penalized in different ways, including with fines of billions of dollars. The proposals could face legal challenges from opponents who see them as overreach.


【プロンプト2】Could you provide 100 letters summary for Twitter too?

Biden administration proposes new rules that would require 2/3 of new passenger cars and 1/4 of new heavy trucks sold in the U.S. to be all-electric by 2032. The move is aimed at cutting planet-warming emissions and would essentially spell the end of the internal combustion engine. However, the transition to all-electric vehicles is met with apprehension from some autoworkers and manufacturers, who fear job losses and lower profits.






【プロンプト4】Can you insert slushes into sentences to break down them into each meaningful chunks?
Example: The Biden administration has proposed two plans / that would require two-thirds of new passenger cars / and 25% of new heavy trucks sold in the United States by 2032 / to be all-electric.

The Biden administration has proposed two plans / that would require two-thirds of new passenger cars / and 25% of new heavy trucks sold in the United States by 2032 / to be all-electric.
These regulations would be the most ambitious climate regulations the US has ever proposed.

The new rules could lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions / helping the country achieve the pace that scientists believe is needed to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change.

The proposals would require a major shift in the US auto industry / which currently only sees 5.8% of new cars sold as all-electric vehicles.

Heavy trucks account for fewer than 2% of new sales.

The E.P.A. cannot mandate that carmakers sell a certain number of electric vehicles.

However, under the Clean Air Act, the agency can limit the pollution generated by the total number of cars each manufacturer sells / so companies would need to sell a certain percentage of zero-emissions vehicles to comply.

Each model year / the car companies would report to the federal government the average greenhouse emissions of all new cars sold.

Companies that fall short of the standard could be penalized in different ways / including with fines of billions of dollars.

The proposals could face legal challenges from opponents who see them as overreach.


堀場 英雄(Hideo Horiba)
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