
Time dilation in relative coordinates

Time dilation in relative coordinates


Existential Number Theory

In a certain coordinate system, suppose that a linear
motion at a constant speed is made from the origin O
of the coordinate system to an arbitrary point
P (X, Y, Z).
If the specific time of that object is T0, then
 X/T0 ≠ Y/T0 ≠ Z/T0
If it is a photon,
 X2 + Y2 + Z2 = C2T02
Einstein's theory of relativity posits that the above
formula holds true relatively for any coordinate
system moving at a uniform speed in a straight line,
and based on the Lorentz transformation, it was shown
that the proper time of a receding coordinate system
increases , and time dilation can be observed at that
coordinate system.

However, in existential number theory, the way to
calculate time dilation is completely different. 
X/T0 ≠ Y/T0 ≠ Z/T0
This formula can be replaced in existential number
theory as follows:
 X/Tx= Y/Ty = Z/Tz
This equation is completely different from the
previous one, and by considering it we can understand
what space-time is.

Please note that Tx, Ty, and Tz are characteristic
times on each coordinate axis, and since their values
​​are different, the transformation formula differs
from both the Lorentz transformation formula and the
Galileo transformation formula.
In terms of space-time, matter moving through space
means that time passes, and the passage of time means
matter moving through space.
Time and space are not, as Einstein said, represented
as independent dimensional variables, but rather as
existential numbers, with an inseparable relative
This means that time and space are identical and

Einstein's relationship between time and space is
expressed as four independent variables, and based on
the principle of the constancy of the speed of light,
time and space both change.

It is the mass of the substance that causes this
However, in existential number theory, time and space
are interdependent, and neither time nor space can
be perceived as points on a coordinate system, but
must be expressed as existential numbers that are
treated as relative things.
The coordinates of time and space, expressed as
existential numbers, are overlapping three-
dimensional spaces in which the concept of coordinate
points does not exist.
This space-time is specifically named ruledam space.
Furthermore, absolute space has no meaning and does
not exist in the universe as we know it.
However, in order for a person to recognize their
existence as a person, they need a fixed point in
time and space.
This is due to relative relationships.
For example, the existence of the time and place when
the Big Bang occurred was created by natural number
thinking, which is something humans excel at.
Humans try to understand all phenomena in the
universe through natural number thinking, but this
results in inconsistencies in the details and the
creation of erroneous laws and theories.

Looking only at matter, it appears that stars in both
the preceding-spacetimes and succeeding-spacetimes
are moving away from each other at an accelerating
In other words, the reason why the matter of the
later space-time flows acceleratingly toward the
matter of the earlier space-time is due to the bias
of space-time itself.
This is why we cannot go backwards in time or space.
We can never build a time machine that can go back to
the past.

Proper time according to space-time and time
according to matter are different things.
They should not be confused.
The reason is that time based on space-time is
determined by the relative relationship between
space-time in the past and future, while time based
on matter is determined by clocks created by the
movement of matter.
Time in space-time remains constant under all
circumstances, but time as measured by a clock
changes depending on the circumstances.

The speed of light is observed to be constant in the
proper time of any coordinate system, unless
influenced by other matter.
For material clocks, Einstein felt that a standard of
time was absolutely necessary based on natural number
thinking, and he chose the speed of light as the
standard of time, even though he could have used
other standards.

A clock made of a material ticks slower depending on
the speed at which the material is moving because the
time spent interacting with the elementary particles
within the material is taken up by the time it takes
for a substance to move.
In other words, the time in a coordinate system
moving at a speed V appears slower because, from the
observer's perspective, the time created by the
interactions of matter in the moving coordinate
system is reduced by the time of travel.
The faster matter moves, the weaker the interactions
between the elementary particles within it become,
until eventually the matter can no longer maintain
itself as matter and breaks down into its individual
elementary particles.
Elementary particles have a specific velocity that
remains constant throughout space-time.
The photon is one such particle.

Every elementary particle has its own proper time and
speed, and the ratio between them is always the same.


This shows that the basis of time may not only be
light, but also other elementary particles.

It is important to note that if one person knows
the other person's 'time dilation', the other person
will also know the other person's 'time dilation'.
If we understand the relativity of space-time and
consider the relativity of matter, we should be able
to understand things like time dilation due to speed
and why the universe is expanding at an accelerating

Furthermore, the existence of the universe (yourself)
will become crear , and you will know that the
universe as we know it exists within the world of
existential numbers.
I believe you have the power to understand it.

For more information, Google search

       矢 口 隹           

I only present my knowledge     

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 「 ’偏見’を捨てなさい




   そうすればきっと正しい答えが見出せる 」               


    Throw away the'prejudice'

    Be 'skeptical' in everything

    Have a strong 'inquiry spirit'

    Pay close attention to

    Then you will surely find the correct answer

               Advice from the author

「 知らないことは 決して恥でも無能でもない

知ろうとして努力しないことが 恥であり無能である 」


"What you don't know is neither shame nor 
It is a shame and incompetence not to make an effort
 to know. "

               From the author  

 「 Ask, and it shall be given you ;

  seek, and ye shall find ;

  knock, and it shall be opened unto you ;  」

                   Matthew 7:7

「 求めよ そうすれば 与えられるであろう

  捜せ そうすれば 見いだすであろう

  門をたたけ そうすれば あけてもらえるであろう 」

             マタイによる福音書 7:7