僕が実践しているWRITING TASK 1の勉強方法や注意点/スコアアップ術などをまとめてみました。
少しでも役に立ったと思っていただければ♥お願いします。 モチベーションに繋がります。
TASK 1 は図やグラフ、地図などの説明をすることになります。 意見を書くのではなく、自分がどれだけ分析して正しく情報を読み取れるかです。
採点は課題の達成度=25%、単語力=25%、一貫性など=25%、文法•正確性=25%。 まんべんなく勉強することでスコアアップにつながります。。
最低文字数は150字になります。 これを下回るとTask achievement の部分で減点になります。これだけは防ぎましょう。
僕は個人のおすすめは170-180字くらいがベストだと思ってます。 なぜなら、多すぎず、最低単語数を十分に超えているので時間的にも最適かと思います。 また、修整したいときに最低文字数を気にしないで修整できるところです。
最高文字数には制限はありませんが200文字以内にしましょう。なぜなら、時間がありますし、メインポイントだけを係るくのがベストです。すべてを1から書いていては情報を読み取るというより、ただ見たものを書いていているだけになってしまいますので、メインポイントだけを読み取り、なるべく170 文字くらいを目指しましょう。
*(Computer delivered test では文字数が見えるので打ちながら確認できますので文字数を数える時間が短縮できるので便利です)
①TASK 2まで考慮して時間を計算する
まず、考えなくてはならないのは1時間しかないですし、Task 2もあるということです。 Task1に固執して多く時間を費やしてしまうと、Task2に使う時間がなくなってしまいます。ライティングはTask2の配点の方が高いので、Task2に6割Task1に4割くらいの時間を使いましょう。
Task1 ライティング作業
2, 結論、結果、オーバーオール
The maps describe information about the town of Langley in the period of 1910 and 1950.
Overall, Langley in 1910, it mainly had a lot of houses all over the place and more workplaces such as a factory. In contrast, there were more mansions and flats on both Jordan street and Sherman street as well as a park and more shops instead of a factory in 1950.
Firstly, In 1910, there were a lot of townhouses on Jordan Street and Sherman Street. It had only few shops such as a store, a Laundry and a Café on Sherman Street. There was a rail way nearby railway worker’s cottages. In addition, a Factory was built in wasteland outside of Sherman Street behind shops and houses
On the other hand, in 1950, it got a big park called Sherman park with area of Children’s play. in the middle of the town. The town had more mansions instead of townhouses compared to 1910. Also, there were more stores instead of the factory in 1910. The railway did not exist in the town in 1950.
計20分 くらいが理想だと思います。 可能なら読み直しもできたら最高ですが、時間的には厳しいのでミスしないように意識しながらも取り組みましょう。
問題文の理解がてきましたら、次は問題図の比較・分析してメインポイントを見つけましょう。問題文をしっかり理解することによって、何をしなければいけないのかが分かります。基本的にはグラフの比較、特徴などを探し出して分析、最後に結論を書くように求められます。 図の全部を説明するのではなく、ポイントを押さえて書くのが重要です。
年代と同じです。 同じ年代の比較対象がある場合は比較して、どっちがどうなのか書き出しましょう。
Task1の出題図はいろいろなものがあります。 あとでも紹介しますが、棒グラフ、円グラフ、地図、テーブル図、ライングラフやダイアグラムなどさまさまな種類があり、
Bar chart = 各カテゴリー1番数値が高いところと低いところを探す。2種類のグラフを比較する場合は、相違箇所を見つける。 差が大きい場所や差が近い部分を見つける。
Chart 1
*Useful vocabularies
1, in comparison, compared to, compared with
2, ↗ = more than, larger, over, higher,
3, ↘ = lower than, under, smaller,
4, similar, almost, a little,
5, The highest/largest number/percentage /proportion is
6, The lowest/smallest number/percentage /proportion is
7, also, and, In addition, furthermore, moreover, too, besides, as well as
8, However, Although, Even though, Though, But, While, On the other hand
9, Overall, Generally
10, In conclusion, To conclude, To sum up
Table chart = 分析して数字の高いところと低いところを探し出し、各カテゴリーごとに高いところと低いところ比較・分析。
Map= 2種類の図が使われている場合、1つの全体的な地図の説明、2つ目は1つ目との相違などの大きく変更されてる部分を比較・分析などの重要部分を説明。また、質問文に提案などがあればどこが良いか探し理由をつける。
*Useful vocabularies
1, in comparison, compared to, compared with
2, ↗ = more than, larger, over, higher,
3, ↘ = lower than, under, smaller,
4, similar, almost, a little,
5, The highest/largest number/percentage /proportion is
6, The lowest/smallest number/percentage /proportion is
7, also, and, In addition, furthermore, moreover, too, besides, as well as
8, However, Although, Even though, Though, But, While, On the other hand
9, Overall, Generally
10, In conclusion, To conclude, To sum up
Line graph = 同じく各カテゴリーの数値の高い場所、低い場所を見つけ、比較・分析をする。 その後の推移なども書ければ良い。
*Useful vocabularies
1,↗ (V)= goes up, increase, skyrocket, grow, rise up, reach a peak
2,↘ (V)= goes down, decrease, decline, fall down, plummet, plunge, drop
3,→ (V) = level out, remained stable, remained unstable, remained steady
4,↗(N) = increase in, recovery
5,↘(N) =decrease in, fall in
6, slightly, gradually, steadily, rapidly,
7, slight, steady, rapid,
8,↗ = more than, larger, over, higher,
9,↘ = lower than, under, smaller,
10, similar, almost,
11, The highest/largest number/percentage /proportion is
12, The lowest/smallest number/percentage /proportion is
13, The number of something, The amount of something, The percentage of something , The proportion of something
14, firstly, secondly, after that, before, then, next, eventually, finally 、repeatedly,
15, However, Although, Even though, Though, But, While, On the other hand
16, also, and, In addition, furthermore, moreover, too, besides, as well as
17, Overall, Generally
18, In conclusion, To conclude, To sum up
Diagram = ある一つの物の製造工程作業やサイクルなどの説明になります。こちらは比較・分析というよりは、いかに一つずつの工程をしっかりとparaphraseしながら説明できるかがキーになります。
*Useful vocabularies
1, firstly, secondly, after that, before, then, next, eventually, finally 、repeatedly,
2, It consists of~,
3, It is passed through, They are delivered to, It is pressed, It is put, It is heatedなどの受動態を使うと効果的。
4, However, Although, Even though, Though, But, While, On the other hand
5, Overall, Generally
6, In conclusion, To conclude, To sum up
Pie chart = 各カテゴリー1番数値が高いところと低いところを探す。2種類のグラフを比較する場合は、相違箇所を見つける。 差が大きい場所や差が近い部分を見つける。
*Useful vocabularies
1, in comparison, compared to, compared with
2, The number of something, The amount of something, The percentage of something , The proportion of something
3,↗ = more than, larger, over, higher,
4,↘ = lower than, under, smaller,
5, similar, almost, a little,
6, The highest/largest number/percentage /proportion is
7, The lowest/smallest number/percentage /proportion is
8, also, and, In addition, furthermore, moreover, too, besides, as well as
9, However, Although, Even though, Though, But, While, On the other hand
10, Overall, Generally
11, In conclusion, To conclude, To sum up
(Example 1)
The maps describe information about the town of Langley in the period of 1910 and 1950.
Overall, Langley in 1910, it mainly had a lot of houses all over the place and more workplaces such as a factory. In contrast, there were more mansions and flats on both Jordan street and Sherman street as well as a park and more shops instead of a factory in 1950.
Firstly, In 1910, there were a lot of townhouses on Jordan Street and Sherman Street. It had only few shops such as a store, a Laundry and a Café on Sherman Street. There was a rail way nearby railway worker’s cottages. In addition, a Factory was built in wasteland outside of Sherman Street behind shops and houses.
On the other hand, in 1950, it got a big park called Sherman park with area of Children’s play. in the middle of the town. The town had more mansions instead of townhouses compared to 1910. Also, there were more stores instead of the factory in 1910. The railway did not exist in the town in 1950.
① 質問文のParaphraseした文を書く。 すべてを違う単語で書く必要はないです。mapはmapです。graphにはなりません。 オススメは同じ単語を違うフォームにすることです。 improve → improvement これにより動詞が名詞になるので同じ意味でも違う単語に置き換わります。 また、同じ意味でも違う文章で書くことも出来ますので基礎文法はしっかり理解する必要があります。
The maps describe information about the town of Langley in the period of 1910 and 1950.
② メインポイントの情報を読み取り、結論として書く。 まず、図などを見たときにメインポイントや大きな相違点などを探して結論として書きます。 そうすることによって、自分の書くべきポイントが見えます。最後に結論を書いてもいいですが、時間がなくなったりして書き忘れたら、減点につながります。
Overall, Langley in 1910, it mainly had a lot of houses all over the place and more workplaces such as a factory. In contrast, there were more mansions and flats on both Jordan street and Sherman street as well as a park and more shops instead of a factory in 1950.
③ ②番で見つけた部分について詳しく記載していく。 ②番で見つけたメインポイントについて数値や情報載せて比較・分析していく。また、期間などをを含む場合もその期間にどういう変化しているのかを分析して明確に書いていくといいでしょう。図が2つある場合は一つずつ分析していき、それぞれ違うparagraphに書くといいでしょう。 両方を比較した結論を②番のなかに書きます。
Firstly, In 1910, there were a lot of townhouses on Jordan Street and Sherman Street. It had only few shops such as a store, a Laundry and a Café on Sherman Street. There was a rail way nearby railway worker’s cottages. In addition, a Factory was built in wasteland outside of Sherman Street behind shops and houses.
On the other hand, in 1950, it got a big park called Sherman park with area of Children’s play in the middle of the town. The town had more mansions instead of townhouses compared to 1910. Also, there were more stores instead of the factory in 1910. The railway did not exist in the town in 1950.
(Example 2)
The graph illustrates the number of the birth and death rates in New Zealand from 1901 to 2101.
Overall, it can be seen that there was a rapid increase. Then, it slightly decreased in the rate of birth. Whilst the death rate continued to rise up then remained steady.
To begin with birth rate, the figures started only 20000 in 1901. The figures continued to fluctuate till 1941. It suddenly skyrocketed to approximately 65000 from below 30000 within 20 years in 1961. However, it was the peak. Then, it started to drop gradually to just over 40000 in 2101.
While, the rate of death was just below 10000 in 1901, which was the least number in the period. However, the figures started to increase slightly although there was a fluctuation for long time for about 100 years. It dramatically kept rising up from below 30000 in 2001 to just below 60000 in 2041, which reached the peak. It overtook the birth rate as well. After that, it levelled out the same level till 2101.
このような単語を正しく使っていくことでBand 6に近づくことができます。使い慣れていない単語もたくさんあると思いますが、練習で何回も書いて自分の物にしてほしいと思います。
Task 1 及び Task 2は受動態の文を用いることで文法の部分での加点ができます。 とくにTask1では受動態を使うことでより簡単に説明ができるようになります。
It was built = It built, is passed = It passes, are delivered = They deliver, It is pressed = It presses, This is put = This puts , It is heated = It heats
*役に立ったと思った方はぜひコメントやLikeしていってください。さらに良いコンテンツを作る僕のモチベーションにつながります。 みんなで協力し合って英語力を磨いていきましょう。