IELTS BAND 6 Writing Task 2 5 MINS テクニック/TECHNIQUE
僕が実践しているWRITING TASK 2の勉強方法や注意点/スコアアップ術などをまとめてみました。
少しでも役に立ったと思っていただければ♥お願いします。 モチベーションに繋がります。
僕はpaper based test とComputer delivered testのどちらも経験したことがあります。
オススメはComputer delivered testです。
Computer deliverdですと、残り時間と文字数が画面上に出ますので、数える必要がなくなり便利です。また、消す際もdeleteを押せばいいのだけなので時間も稼げます。 しかし、スペルは自動修正されませんので、間違いに気づかないとそのまま間違ったままになっていまいますので注意が必要です。しかし、圧倒的に時間に対しては余裕がでるのは間違いないです。
計40分 最低250文字
・質問を理解 と何をしなければいけない(opinionなのかdiscussionなのかなど)を確認、
・プランを立てるstatement, first action(merit and demerit), second action(merit and demerit), conclusion.をどうするのか考える。
1,最初にStatementを理解する。 一般の社会的問題を主に聞かれる。
まず最初にしなければならないことは、質問文が何について話しているのかを理解しなければなりません。 ここは非常に大切です。
IELTSのライティングだけに留まらず、英語を話すということは自分の意見を交換しなければなりません。 日頃から自分で考えて意見が持てるようになりましょう。 ライティング中に書くのに息詰まっても自分で意見を考えてられるようになります。
IELTS WRITING TASK 2では、いろいろな種類のエッサイから一つだけのエッセイを書くように指示されます。この指示に従わないで書いてしまうとTASK ACHEIVEMENTの部分で減点されてしまいます。 しっかりと問題文理解してエッセイを書いていきましょう。
1,Agree and disagree (opinion) = Statementに対して、自分はどちらなのかについての意見を述べる。 両方の意見ではなく、AgreeかDisagree。
2,Discussion = 二つのStatementに対して両方の意見を述べる。 Frist paragraphにはmeritやadvantageなど、Second paragraphにはdemeritやdisadvantageを書き議論する。
3,Advantages and disadvantages = Statementからどちらを書かなくてはならないのかを読みとり、片方だけを書く。 結論は自分の書いた内容で納得した理由を書く。
4,Cause and solutions = Statementの問題を定義して、そこ原因と解決方法を探る。
5,Two part questions
2つの質問について問われる。 各々の質問に対して、問題、理由、例などを含めて書く。
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
What extentとはHow much というような理解で大丈夫だと思います。
なので、To what extent do you agree or disagree? はどのくらい賛成するか賛成しないかを問われています。
自分の考えよりはどちらのポジションの方が書きやすいかAGREE かDISAGREEで選んだ方が良いと思います。IELTSはあくまで英語の試験ですので、内容はどうでもいいんです。話の辻褄があっていて、正確な英語が書かれていれば点数に繋がります。 内容は深く考えなくても大丈夫です。
1, Statement and your stance (agree, disagree, advantage, disadvantageなどの自分の立ち場を述べる) (30-50字くらい)
2, First statement (80-100字くらい)
•Statement for first statement
3, Second statement (80-100字くらい)
•Statement for Second statement
4, Conclusion(30-50字くらい)
40字+90字+90字+40字= 260字
1, Statement and your stance
•同じ単語を使わず、別の単語(paraphrasingを使いながら(inform, information))を使いながら、問題文の文を定義する。 問題文と同じ単語や構文をそのまま使うと点数に反映されないため、自分の考えてた文を使う必要がある。
•そのあとに、問題文のあとに定義されている質問(agree and disagree, discuss, advantages and disadvantagesなど)に自分の立ち場を述べる。 AgreeなのかをDisagreeなのかなど(質問の種類によって変える)を定義する。
2, First statement
•Statement for first statement = 自分でStatementで書いた自分の立ち場に対して1つ目のStatementを定義する。
•Reason = 上のStatementに対しての理由を書く。書くときには、社会的にどんなメリットがあるのかを考える。例えば、Agree, Disagreeの文でAgreeにした場合、効率的に働けるようになるとか、ITスキルがつくため、お金がかかるが将来的にそれ以上のメリットがあるなど社会的な解決方法などを書く。Disagreeの場合はその反対を書ける。また、パターンを決めると文を書くときにプランを立てやすく、書きやすくなる。
•Example = 上のReasonについて、具体的に例を上げていく。どういうことをすると効率的になり、仕事がはかどるようになるなど、具体的に書いていく。
•Summary = 短めに結論を書く。
3, Second statement (80-100字以内)
•Statement for Second statement
4, Conclusion
結論として、First paragraphとSecond paragraphの利用にによって自分の立ち場を正当化する。
*An example
Some believe competitive mind should be taught at school rather than cooperation.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1, Statement and your stance
There are some people considering that competitive events should not be held in young age. However, It is thought that adults should teach cooperation rather than giving a chance children competing someone.
your stance
I would believe that both of these skills are needed in the society in adult age. However, I would consider that cooperation with other people is more important in real life.
2,First statement
To begin, There are some adults think that Children should be taught how to be competitive against other children. This ideas are considered to give benefits to children. For example, most of people in the world live in capitalism society in which companies always have to beat other companies to survive so that they can make benefits as well as it is possible to keep running the business. This is how the society works nowadays. Therefore, encountering competitions at young age will help youth people learn ways of surviving and fighting against someone in the future in a market.
3, Second statement
On the other hand, some people argue that knowing how to cooperate with someone is more important than just trying to beat other kids and it is more worth gaining the skill that can be used in the their future. As I mentioned above, for instance, they need to live and fight competitively. However, a business is run by a lot of workers unless you have an individual company. Many people gather one place to cooperate each other for creativities, which a cooperation is significantly needed in the office. If someone is not helpful or not keen to support other co-workers, the business does not go proper way, which will result in an unemployment eventually. Thus, even though we need to beat other companies, we are still required to have supportive mind for other co-workers to keep running the business correctly.
4, Conclusion
To conclude, In spite of living in the capitalism society which requires us to be competitive in a market, we all need to be supportive for other. Therefor, we should be taught how to be supportive and help someone at young age.
下の文の黒くなっているような単語や文を使うと、Academicの文として型ができます。 また、単語の部分でスコアアップに繋がります。文法も正確に書く必要もありますので、文法もしっかりと勉強しておく必要もあります。
*You, He, She などは使わず、 It, They, Those, Theseなどを使用し、受動態を活用することで文法での得点につながる。
There are some people considering that competitive events should not be held in young age. However, It is thought that adults should teach cooperation rather than giving a chance children competing someone. I would believe that both of these skills are needed in the society in adult age. However, I would consider that cooperation with other people is more important in real life.
To begin, There are some adults think that Children should be taught how to be competitive against other children. This ideas are considered to give benefits to children. For example, most of people in the world live in capitalism society in which companies always have to beat other companies to survive so that they can make benefits as well as it is possible to keep running the business. This is how the society works nowadays. Therefore, encountering competitions at young age will help youth people learn ways of surviving and fighting against someone in the future in a market.
On the other hand, some people argue that knowing how to cooperate with someone is more important than just trying to beat other kids and it is more worth gaining the skill that can be used in the their future. As I mentioned above, for instance, they need to live and fight competitively. However, a business is run by a lot of workers unless you have an individual company. Many people gather one place to cooperate each other for creativities, which a cooperation is significantly needed in the office. If someone is not helpful or not keen to support other co-workers, the business does not go proper way, which will result in an unemployment eventually. Thus, even though we need to beat other companies, we are still required to have supportive mind for other co-workers to keep running the business correctly.
To conclude, In spite of living in the capitalism society which requires us to be competitive in a market, we all need to be supportive for other. Therefore, we should be taught how to be supportive and help someone at young age.