Measures for Building a Sustainable Society

I. State of the Global Environment and Key Challenges
2. Measures for Building a Sustainable Society

(1) What is a sustainable society?

The above-mentioned crises are progressing in a multi-tiered, interrelated vicious cycle. We must tackle these crises directly and find ways to resolve them in order to secure growth and prosperity for our society. To this end, we must strive to maintain a sound and rich environment from the global to the local levels so that people in every country and region of the world can enjoy a happy life and we can pass on a sound society—that is, a sustainable society—to future generations. The following points are important to transform socio-economic activities on a global scale intobsustainable ones. During implementation, it is necessary to ensure that actions to reduce the consequences of the environmental load shall, based on the precautionary principle, not be delayed under the pretext of a lack of complete scientific evidence, while efforts are made to promote scientific studies and increase scientific knowledge.

--Keep the environmental load within the environment’s carrying capacity at present and in the future, at a level that will not hinder environmental conservation.
--Minimize the collection of natural resources and minimize emissions/disposal into the natural
environment, so that a sound material cycle will be ensured.
--Restore and maintain ecosystems in a sound state and seek co-existence between nature and humankind.
With technological and social innovation, we can minimize environmental load and alleviate
environmental constraints. It is important that we keep a proactive attitude to challenge the so-called "limits to growth" theory and achieve "plus sum" growth while continuing to develop the
socio-economy to match people’s energy and desire for betterment in the long term. To this end, it is necessary to fully utilize the unique qualities of our citizens and the energy of our society using threebtypes of efforts, namely, developing and disseminating energy and environmental technologies, reforming our lifestyles, and reviewing our current socio-economic system, followed by the creation of appropriate incentives.

(2) 持続可能な社会に向けた取組み
① 持続可能な社会とは

・ 現在に加え将来においても環境への負荷が環境保全上の支障を生じさせることのないように、環境への負荷が環境の容量を超えないものであること・ 新たに採取する天然資源と自然界へ排出されるものを最小化し、資源の循環的な利用が確保されること
・ 健全な生態系が維持、回復され、自然と人間との共生が確保されることまた、技術や社会のイノベーションを進め、環境負荷の縮小と環境制約の緩和を図ることにより、いわゆる「成長の限界」論を乗り越えプラスサムの実現を図り、長期的に人々の向上意欲や活力が維持されるように社会経済を継続的に発展させていくことも重要である。このためには、環境・エネルギー技術の開発・普及、ライフスタイルの変革、適切なインセンティブの設定も含む社会経済システムの見直しの三つの取組を通じて、人々の創意工夫や社会の活力を最大限に引き出していくことが必要である。

(2) Implementing comprehensive efforts for building a sustainable society

In the context of the three crises mentioned above, a sustainable society is envisioned as a "low carbon society," a "sound-material cycle society," and a "society in harmony with nature."
If we focus attention on efforts to mitigate climate change and free ourselves from the constraints of fossil-fuel energy resources, what we will need is efforts to bring about a "low carbon society." This calls for a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel consumption so that the greenhouse gas emissions of the world as a whole will be at levels that can be absorbed by nature. These measures will enable lifestyles of abundance while stabilizing the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at levels that will not adversely impact climate. If we focus attention on the environmental load resulting from the collection and disposal of resources, we will need efforts to bring about a "sound material-cycle society." This calls for reducing waste and recycling resources through all stages of our socio-economic activities, including the collection of resources, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. This will minimize the extraction or collection of resources, thereby lessening the burden on the environment as much as possible.
Furthermore, if we focus attention on conserving ecosystems, which form the basis of human existence, we need to develop a "society in harmony with nature" so that we can enjoy the benefits of nature for the current generation and generations to come. This calls for properly conserving biodiversity, conducting socio-economic activities in harmony with nature, including agricultural, forestry, and fishery operations that follow natural cycles, and creating various opportunities and venues for us to experience and enjoy natural environments. The sustainable society which we are aiming for has the above aspects. The multiple measures
necessary to accomplish each aspect, however, tend to be implemented idependently with insufficient coordination, despite the fact that the society we envision is a single one. We must take into consideration the interrelationship between these aspects and implement comprehensive measures with the understanding that humankind is an integral part of the earth’s ecosystem and our existence is dependent on it. While striving to live in harmony with nature, we must pursue a sound cycle of materials, including carbon dioxide, in our society—a cycle that observes the greater cycle of nature and of the earth—so that we can realize a society having sustainable growth and development.

② 持続可能な社会に向けた統合的取組の展開

る「低炭素社会(Low Carbon Society)」に向けた取組が必要である。また、資源の採取や廃棄に伴う環境負荷に着目すれば、資源採取、生産、流通、消費、廃棄などの社会経済活動の全段階を通じて、廃棄物等の発生抑制や循環資源の利用などの取組により、新たに採取する資源をできるだけ少なくした、環境への負荷をできる限り少なくする「循環型社会」を目指した取組が必要である。さらに、人類の生存基盤である生態系を守るという観点からは、生物多様性が適切に保たれ、自然の循環に沿う形で農林水産業を含む社会経済活動を自然に調和したものとし、また様々な自然とのふれあいの場や機会を確保することにより、自然の恵みを将来にわたって享受できる「自然共生社会」の構築が必要である。目指すべき持続可能な社会は、このような側面を有するものであり、現在、それぞれの実現に向けた取組がともすれば縦割りで行われる傾向にあるが、目指すべき社会が複数存在するわけではない。例えば、地球温暖化による生物多様性への影響や3Rを通じた地球温暖化対策への貢献など、それぞれの側面の相互関係を踏まえ、私たち人間も地球という大きな生態系の一部であり、地球によって生かされているという認識の下に、統合的な取組を展開していくことが不可欠である。自然との共生を図りながら、人間社会における炭素も含めた物質循環を自然、そして地球の大きな循環に沿う形で健全なものとし、持続的に成長・発展する社会の実現を図るべ きである。

(3) Building a sustainable society with the participation and cooperation of all actors

Building a sustainable society is an objective not only for Japan but also for the world. Quite a number of years have passed since this issue was first brought to the attention of the international community. For example, it was in 1987 that the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) defined the concept of "sustainable development" in its report "Our Common Future" and appealed the cause to the world. Since that time, twenty years have passed. Today, understanding the need to create a sustainable society is shared by many sectors of society both in Japan and overseas. Various countries and regions in the world, including Japan, have actively carried out a wide range of measures to work towards the realization of a sustainable society. However, despite all these measures, environmental problems are still advancing on a global scale, making it difficult to say that the measures undertaken so far have delivered adequate results. In view of the seriousness of problems such as climate change, we need to have a sense of urgency and advance the measures that are being implemented. As human activities have increased in both quality and quantity and environmental problems have become more complex and diverse, the realization of a sustainable society is certainly not an easy task. What is needed now is to gain the participation and cooperation of all actors in various sectors in Japan and abroad, join forces under the common goal of protecting the environment, expand the circle of individual activities, and offer strong support so that, together, we can pass on a sound and abundant environment to future generations.

③ すべての関係者の参加と協働による持続可能な社会づくり

持続可能な社会の構築は、我が国のみならず世界共通の課題であり、国際社会の 場で取り上げられるようになってから既に相当の年数が経過している。例えば、「環 境と開発に関する世界委員会」(WCED)がその報告書「我ら共有の未来」において「持 統可能な開発」の概念を定義し、世界に向かって提唱したのは1987 年であり、その 時点から数えれば今年で既に20 年目の節目を迎えることになる。 今日では、持続可能な社会の実現の必要性に対する認識が国内外に幅広く浸透し、 その実現に向けた様々な取組が、我が国を含む世界各国・各地域でより積極的に講 じられるようになってきている。しかしながら、こうした取組にも関わらず、依然 として地球規模で環境問題が進展しており、これまでの取組が十分な成果を上げて いるとは言い難い。地球温暖化などの問題の深刻さにかんがみれば、危機意識を持 って、これまでの取組をさらに推し進めることが必要となっている。 人類の活動が質量ともに拡大し、環境問題が一層複雑化・多様化している中、持 続可能な社会の実現は決して容易ではないが、健全で恵み豊かな環境を将来世代へ と継承していくためには、国内外の幅広い関係者の参加と協働の下、環境保全を願 う気持ちを一つに束ねて、一人一人の取組の輪を広げ、力強く後押していくことが 今求められているといえよう。
