Stable Diffusion 夢の機械(画像生成AI)について-22
About Stable Diffusion Dream Machine (Image Generation AI)-22
例えば、1980年代の日本の歌番組、薄暗いゲームセンター、小学校の美術室、寺の裏にある墓場、デパート屋上の遊園地、見世物小屋、夏祭り、浴衣、着物、平安時代、鎌倉時代、江戸時代、それぞれの時代の建築や服装、等々、日本人であればその光景を思い浮かべることができるであろうイメージが、stable diffusionでは出力困難なことがあった。
AIモデルに存在しないデータは、映像として呼び出すことができない。1980年代の薄暗いゲームセンターの景色を、私はどうにかしてstable diffusionで呼び出したい。平安時代の貴族が住む寝殿造りの屋敷を映像として物質化したい。しかしそれには元になるデータが必要で、それをするには膨大な手間と知識と費用が必要になる筈だった。歴史的なものも含み日本文化の図像を完璧に再現できるstable diffusionでのAIモデルデータはまだ存在しないようだった。
It has become increasingly clear that most of the model data for AI was created in English-speaking or Chinese-speaking countries, and that it is often difficult to call up the unique iconography of Japanese culture as desired.
For example, Japanese song shows in the 1980s, dimly lit game centers, elementary school art rooms, graveyards behind temples, amusement parks on department store rooftops, freak shows, summer festivals, yukata, kimono, architecture and clothing from the Heian, Kamakura, and Edo periods, etc. Japanese people would be able to picture these scenes, but stable diffusion has difficulty in outputting them.
I realized then that AI is also a matter of culture, history, and ethnicity (and even politics and economics).
I wanted to use stable diffusion to recall a dimly-lit arcade scene from the 1980s. I would like to materialize a video of a Heian-period aristocrat's mansion in the shinden-zukuri style, but I need the original data. However, this would require the original data, which would require a great deal of time, knowledge, and expense. It seemed that there was no AI model data in stable diffusion that could perfectly reproduce the iconography of Japanese culture, including historical ones.