
R.E. Award 2024 募集要項


様々な制作活動とそれに携わる人の活動支援を目的とした、滞在と展示(Residence & Exhibition)のアートアワード「R.E. Award 2024」を開催します


2024年 5月17日(金) 締切
2024年 5月下旬 選考結果通知 メールで本人に通知します。



石倉敏明(芸術人類学者/秋田公立美術大学 准教授)

国際芸術祭「あいち2025」キュラトリアルアドバイザー、第58回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際芸術祭日本館展示「Cosmo-Eggs | 宇宙の卵」に参加。共著書に『Lexicon 現代人類学』、『モア・ザン・ヒューマン マルチスピーシーズ人類学と環境人文学』(以上、以文社)など。

Artist Support Project  https://aspparangtritis.weebly.com/
Project Space hazi   https://hazi.work/


R.E. Award 2024 Application Guidelines_Manuscript

Three-point perspective

Project Summary
The 2024 R.E. Award is a residency and exhibition opportunity offered by Project Space hazi (Aichi, Japan) in collaboration with Artist Support Project (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Through residencies and exhibitions our initiatives have fostered the community, the land and the people where artists from diverse global localities share knowledge and skills. We invite artists and collectives to apply with the aim of transcending cultural and national boundaries, encouraging artists to explore new forms of expression informed by a “three-point perspective”—your own and those of hazi and ASP. We hope this collaborative initiative serves as a catalyst for inspiring fresh viewpoints in contemporary art, from the places you call home and beyond.

Number of award winners
Up to two groups or individuals will be the recipients of the 2024 R.E. Award.
Details of support
Recipients will have the opportunity to undertake a studio residency at ASP (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) and/or Project Space hazi (Iwakura, Japan), where they'll have access to facilities for research, experimentation, and artwork creation. Following their residency, there are exhibition opportunities in either location to showcase your results from the R.E. Award 2024. Additionally, the award recipients will receive up to ¥100,000 (approximately $650USD/$1000AUD) in production support for their residency and exhibition activities.
*The number of awardees and the maximum amount of support may change depending on the results of the selection process. Detailed conditions will be determined in consultation with the awardees.

We seek applications from either individuals or collectives whose artistic practices emphasise collaboration, community engagement, and skill-sharing with at least five years of professional experience. All ages and nationalities are welcome.

Application period (schedule)
May 17, 2024 (Friday) Deadline
Last-May, 2024: Notification of selection results: The applicant will be notified by e-mail.

Period of stay (Exhibitions and events are possible only when necessary.
Fill in the application form at the link. We are interested in your background as an artist or collective, a statement about the nature of your practice, what you would like to explore in the residency, and any planned activities or outcomes that you would like to achieve during the R.E. Award, such as workshops, events, initiatives etc.

How to apply.

Please fill in the required information such as "motivation/background of application" and "activities/work plan during the residency" and attach the required documents to your application using this form.

Documents to be submitted
Image or video documentation of past activities/works*
1. All documents must be submitted as a .PDF file no longer than 6 A4 pages, less than 50MB.
2. Applications that do not follow the guidelines will not be accepted.
*In case of video or sound files, please attach as clickable links to the file.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Toshiaki Ishikura (Art anthropologist / Associate Professor, Akita University of Art)
Kentaro Yokouchi (Representative of ASP)
Kohki Ohno (Representative of hazi)

Ishikura conducts research in mythology and artistic anthropology concerning multiple species, while at the same time developing unique activities that link anthropology and contemporary art, such as collaborative production with artists and cooperation in exhibition planning.

Facility (Residency/Exhibition)
Artist Support Project|https://aspparangtritis.weebly.com/
Project Space hazi|https://hazi.work/
*For more information, please refer to the facility's website.
*ASP and HAZI are accepting residencies and other residencies at any time, in addition to this award. Please feel free to contact us.

Answers to your questions will be posted on the ASP/hazi website.

Personal Information
The personal information submitted by applicants may be used for the purpose of this award and to provide information on exhibitions and events. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without your permission.
