

https://goo.gl/Z3rzGa The work was also released on the Facebook page! Please see it! And please share it! #japan #toyama #nanto #gokayama

"Autumn leaves in the mountains" #flickr https://flic.kr/p/D7Mb8m It was released to Flickr. please look! #japan #toyama #nanto #gokayama

"Autumn leaves in a valley" #flickr https://flic.kr/p/21iusDR It was released to Flickr. please look! #japan #toyama #nanto #gokayama #nex6

https://www.flickr.com/photos/133948438@N06/shares/D1p530 … We released the work to Flickr. please look! #japan #toyama #nanto #gokayama #auyumn #suganuma #ainokura #Flickr