
A New Light in the Web3 Era:MI Theory, Neurodiversity, and the Empowerment of People with Physical Disabilities

「KADOKAWAのランサムウェア攻撃から学ぶ:Web3とAIによる企業セキュリティの未来」 "Lessons from the KADOKAWA Ransomware Attack: The Future of Corporate Security with Web3 and AI"

香川未来創造DAOハウス:香西 – 地域活性化と未来技術の融合 ”Kagawa Future Creation DAO House: Kozai – Blending Regional Revitalization and Future Technology”

「Web3とAI技術の未来展望:分散化と社会福祉のための革新」"The Future of Web3 and AI: Innovations for Decentralization and Social Welfare"

日本で急成長中のDAO活動:「香川未来創造DAO」の成功事例と未来展望: Rapidly Growing DAO Activities in Japan: Success Stories and Future Prospects of Kagawa Mirai

香川県の未来:オリーブ、アート、歴史、そして琴電のWeb3時代への進化The Future of Kagawa::The Evolution of Olives, Art, History, and Kotoden into the Web3 Era

Showcasing Kagawa's Beauty with Web3: Nature, Culture, and Art

「Tommy Yoshida(吉田勉)と共に技術の未来を探る」:”Discover the Future of Technology with Tommy Yoshida”

【第6回】Web3技術の普及と具体的な活動:Dissemination of Web3 technology and specific activities

【第2回】Web3技術の基本とその応用:Basics and Applications of Web3 Technology