State Department Officials Pledge Allegiance to Ukraine and Obama
By Michael Baxter -April 2, 2024
A political landscape where shadowy figures compel appointed officials to pledge allegiance to foreign powers has become a frightening reality, a White Hat source tells Real Raw News.
In October 2023, Deep State Department official Josh Paul, who had helped funnel planeloads of military ordnance to Ukraine and Israel, resigned his position as top boss in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. In a letter of demission, he wrote that the job had compromised his morality and felt he had done more harm than good during his eleven years of service. At the time, the media broadly covered his departure; some outlets cheered his decision, while others derided him for abandoning his post.
What happened next was both rare and improbable. In January 2024, Paul contacted White Hat forces and said he had credible intelligence that might help them build cases against top-tier State Department officials. His motives for sharing information, however, were far from altruistic. He confided he had been using a pseudonym to publish articles critical of the Biden regime and Antony Blinken and had inadvertently printed details to which only he and a handful of people were privy. The government, he said, figured out he was the author and began surveilling and intimidating him.
Paul claimed his phones had been tapped and his email monitored. He saw unmarked vans parked across the street from his house. Agents masquerading as utility workers and landscapers skulked about his immediate neighborhood. Paul told White Hats it was only a matter of time before his former employer disappeared him.
He requested freedom and protection for himself and his family in exchange for information.
Our source said White Hats tentatively agreed to Paul’s request, stipulating that his security hinged on honest, open dialogue. If he lied or withheld information, he’d either face a military tribunal or be tossed back to the Deep State wolves. If he cooperated fully, he’d have lifelong protection.
According to our source, Paul has thus far honored the agreement. He would not say what intel might have led to arrests, citing operational security and ongoing investigations as reasons for withholding specifics.
However, the source shared Paul’s telling of ritualistic initiations in which State Department personnel, including himself, pledged devotion to past U.S. leaders and foreign powers. Paul recounted to White Hats how, in February 2022, immediately after Vladimir Putin launched his legitimate Special Military Operation in Ukraine, he stood before Antony Blinken and recited a shocking mutation of the Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Ukraine, and to the conglomerate for which it stands, one world under Obama, unbreakable, with prosperity and affluence for us.”
Paul claimed similar pledges were given by many of the State Department’s archons and peons, among them 38-year-old Annelle Sheline, who last week resigned her position as foreign affairs officer at the Office of Near Eastern Affairs in the Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. She quit over what she called “Biden’s Gaza policy” and had been with the department less than two years.
“Paul told us he thinks her life might be in danger, but we’re not saviors of the Deep State. We’re not here to protect Deep Staters from their people. And it’s hard to imagine what a two-year employee would know that could help us. If they reach out to us, it’s one thing, if they know something valuable. Otherwise, they reap what they sow, as the saying goes, despite whatever regrets they feel later. Since they’re taking an oath to Obama, let him save them,” our source said.
【[国務省高官ジョシュ・ポール(Josh Paul)が、ウクライナ国とオバマ大統領に忠誠を誓う]RRNマイケル・バクスター 記 -2024年4月2日
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