Trump Campaign to White Hats: Don’t Touch the Zuck
Michael Baxter
August 27, 2024
Trump Campaign to White Hats: Don’t Touch the Zuck | Real Raw News
META founder Mark Zuckerberg may have struck a deal with President Trump to avoid a prison sentence or the noose for conspiring with the Biden regime at the height of the Plandemic to censor and demote content–even parody and satire–that contradicted the administration’s messaging.
As the world learned yesterday, Zuckerberg admitted in a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and the House Judiciary Committee that META and Facebook curated COVID-19 posts and stories based on guidelines issued by senior Biden administration officials, who reportedly “pressured” META’s staff to comply. Zuckerberg,
however, admitted the decision to selectively censor content was, in the end, his—”Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions”—and said new internal policies would prevent a repeat performance. Without directly apologizing for infringing upon the First Amendment and proliferating disinformation, Zuckerberg seemed to regret leashing himself to the Deep State.
“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today. Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction – and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again,” Zuckerberg wrote.
In short, Zuckerberg confirmed what awake—as opposed to “woke”—Americans had suspected: Zuckerberg, Meta, and Facebook were deeply enmeshed with Biden and the alphabet agencies, another conspiracy proven true.
The letter caused much pandemonium on conservative social media, with many former critics of Zuckerberg now espousing words of forgiveness, believing, apparently, that he had abandoned the Deep State and made amends with President Trump.
While some people forgive and forget, White Hats are not often among them, a source in Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall’s office told Real Raw News Tuesday afternoon.
“The admiral read Zuck’s letter and wanted him charged with ‘willful dissemination of enemy propaganda,’ ‘conspiracy to defraud the US,’ and ‘treason,’ but tried getting in touch with President Trump in case a backroom deal was made without him knowing,” our source said.
Adm. Crandall, he added, was unable to reach Trump but contacted a campaign aide who would neither confirm nor deny a Trump-Zuckerberg deal, but said Zuckerberg shouldn’t be touched at this time. While the source wouldn’t name the aide, we believe it’s Susie Wiles, for the admiral has communicated with her in the past.
“It’s best you speak to him personally about such matters,” the aide told Adm. Crandall. “I wouldn’t touch him until you do.”
As of this writing, he still hadn’t heard from the president.
“Trump’s a busy man now and we get that, but a heads up is always a good thing. Deals are done all the time, and look, that letter is a smoking gun that’ll damage Harris’ campaign. If Trump did a deal to expose Harris for the fraud she is, who can blame him?”
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