Harris Threatens our Nation’s Children
Michael Baxter
August 23, 2024
Harris Threatens our Nation’s Children | Real Raw News
A delusional Kamala Harris already thinks she’s the President of the United States.
As the Indian-turned-Black woman addressed an audience of sycophants at the DNC last night, General Smith at Camp Pendleton received a threatening email presumably written by Harris or her fawning minions. The message, a source in the general’s office told Real Raw News, included an ominous ultimatum: surrender the nuclear launch codes to the nation’s nuclear triad or “watch the children suffer.”
The email’s header showed the author was Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs Naz Durakoğlu—one of the myriad non-Americans serving illegitimate pResident Biden—but the garrulous prose, replete with verbose legalese, matched papers Harris had written while attending UC Berkley Law and during her stint as the 32nd Attorney General of California. Our source said Gen. Smith is 97% certain Harris authored the infernal letter.
In it, she referred to herself in the third person, writing, “President Kamala Harris herein command the receiving party, General Eric M. Smith, USMC, to surrender the codes and apparatus governing the launch of the United States’ nuclear arsenal, or risk consequences hereinafter. Former President and insurrectionist Donald Trump illegally and criminally gave authority over the abovementioned to General David H. Berger, USMC, Rtd., who, upon his retirement, passed the abovementioned to Gen. Eric M. Smith. The abovementioned is stolen government property, and President Harris insists upon its return, lest her ability to respond to foreign threats be retarded.”
It went on: “Failure to comply within 30 days of this letter will carry the most dire consequences. If you think the country’s children are safe, think again. Return what belongs to President Harris. This is your first and only warning. Return what’s ours or watch them suffer.”
As reported by RRN and other alternative media outlets, President Donald J. Trump invoked the Insurrection Act prior to leaving D.C. in Jan 2021, entrusting Gen. Berger (and later Smith) with our nuclear deterrent. In his wisdom, Trump rightly feared that if the Biden regime controlled the nukes, it would, by accident or intent, provoke nuclear Armageddon.
Harris’ correspondence marks the third time (that we know of) the Deep State has beseeched White Hats to surrender the codes. As reported in March 2022, the criminal Antony Blinken begged Gen. Berger and Trump’s Mar-a-Lago command staff for the launch codes. After Gen. Berger and Trump denied the request, Harris, on March 12, 2022, had a go at trying to reclaim them, telling Gen. Berger, “You know, those codes are ours, not yours, and you need to give President Biden the codes right now or else. We must have those codes, so give them to us right now.”
At the time, Gen. Berger noted that the cackling Harris sounded demented.
Those instances, however, included threats only against White Hats, not our nation’s most valuable assets—our children. The Deep State, our source said, has upped the ante.
“The Deep State’s deeply enmeshed in kidnapping and child trafficking. We’ve brought home a lot of kids they’d kidnapped, but there’s still so many out there. This is a new low even for Harris. She’s predatory. And we don’t think it’s a bluff. The Deep State already used kids for Adrenochrome harvesting and then sold them off. Who knows what they’ll do next? Naturally, we’re not yielding the codes and giving them what they want—nuclear war with Russia. All we can do now is wait,” our source said.
将軍のオフィス情報筋が、リアル・ロー・ニュースに語ったところによると、そのメッセージには、国の核三重構造の核発射コードを引き渡せ、さもなければ 「子供たちが苦しむのを見ろ 」という不吉な最後通告が含まれていたのである。
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