
FBI Had Crooks’ Phone At Least 24 Hours Before Attempt on Trump’s Life
Michael Baxter
July 17, 2024

FBI Had Crooks’ Phone At Least 24 Hours Before Attempt on Trump’s Life | Real Raw News

The FBI had possession of would-be assassin Thomas Crooks’ cell phone at least 24 hours before the social exile used an AR-style rifle to wound President Trump, kill a 50-year-old father of two, and injure two other spectators at the president’s campaign rally last Saturday, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Shortly after the shooting and identification of the suspect, the FBI announced it had executed a search warrant on Crooks’ home and found his phone and computer, as well as suspicious “devices,” according to the agency’s website. On Monday, an updated post said experts at the FBI’s Quantico headquarters had “successfully gained access to” Crooks’ phone and were analyzing electronic devices.

Both versions cannot be accurate, and our source says the FBI is distorting reality to fit a yet unknown narrative.

In his rendition, a reliable federal 5th Columnist on Monday gave General Smith digital images showing the FBI in possession of Crook’s phone on July 12, a day before the attempt on Trump’s life and Thomas Crooks should’ve been known to the FBI. The phone, which looked like an iPhone 14, was inside a sealed evidence bag labeled “Thomas Crooks,” case number “131324,” timestamped 7/11/2024.

The implication is the FBI had Crooks’ phone long before it should have or had manufactured evidence in advance of the crime. In either case, the federal government has deceived the public.

Gen. Smith’s source, however, claimed to have only seen and surreptitiously photographed the evidence pouch; he had not handled the phone and had no knowledge of what secrets it held or what sinister data the FEDS might have planted.

Constantly wary of trickery, Gen. Smith asked digital forensic experts at Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command to examine the photograph for signs of forgery or digital image manipulation, and they, after analyzing the image and metadata, concluded with certainty that it was authentic.

“The photo’s veracity is no longer in question, and its authenticity demolishes the FBI’s and Secret Service Director Cheatle’s notion that Crooks acted alone, some oddball seeking notoriety because he was bullied at school. I’m not authorized to say anything else right now, but we’re very interested in acquiring that phone. Speaking just for myself, I believe the kid was recruited and used as a pawn, but our investigation continues, our source said.


FBIはトランプ大統領暗殺未遂事件の少なくとも24時間前にクルックスの携帯電話を既に持っていた|Real Raw News




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