When I saw your deep blue eyes
You didn't respond to anything
So you're just like a mouth closed doll
That's the answer you thaught out
Let's accept it if your don't mind
Because I'm alive for only you
You can saving my soul without a place to go
Do you?
When I saw your cloudy brown eyes
You never seeing in my eyes
You shouldn't have any secrets
Please tell me all 'bout yourself
Let's accept it if you don't mind
Because I'm alive for only you
You can saving my soul without a place to go
Do you?
What? What? What?
Is it all lie !!
What? What?
What's wrong Is it all your truth !!
What? What?
is it all lie !!
What's What's wrong
Is it all your truth !!
What? What?
Is it all lie !!
What's What's wrong
Is it all your truth !
What's wrong What's wrong
Is it all your truth !
music / lyric George Nishiyama
© 2014-2021 HAPHAZARD RECORDS All Rights Reserved.
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