
I want your mind and body
I don't wanna hand it over to anyone
I hopes that reality will not come true
You are realy liar so you never reveal your true heart
I lose a word and I sigh every time

Why then are you looking with the eyes that
you want me?
Do you mind my expectation?
Unfortunately you are a realist and I'm a dreamer
We're just can't get along well together

You're Sucked out me My love in your wetting hole
Your endless lust I'm afraid to dried....Up!

Only in my dreams

You're as succubus spew nasty words
You lick it up me Only in my dreams

From the back / From the front
Standing still / Sitting still
Lick it / Suck it
To put in / To put out
Also in the mouth /Also in the dark ring
Overflowing lots of my love

You're realy want me over and over in my dream
Move your hips violently on me
Do you realy want me in every hole in your body
I wonder how feel reality but this isn't dream?

You're Sucked out me My love in your wetting hole
Your endless lust I'm afraid to dried....Up!

Only in my dreams

You're as succubus spew nasty words
You lick it up me Only in my dreams

You ride on me Scream more sensial
You lustful angel Only in my dreams

music / lyric George Nishiyama
© 2014-2021 HAPHAZARD RECORDS All Rights Reserved.

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