Close your eyes
もどかしさなら It is unnecessary
見せかけだけのStyleはSo funny
似合わなすぎて笑えるYour attire dresses
ためらうフリしてもIt's bald dearing
It's so easy to be falling いっそさらけ出してOpen your real mind
Although you can't turn back thereだからLeave everything to me
Colse you eyes Close your eyes Close your eyes I'll set you free
暗がりならCan you become bold a little?
ふるえていてもDo you really want to me
どんな言葉もCan't you get rid of your anxiety
So let me gently hold you tight
It's so easy to be fallingそして加速していく Your real mind
Don't be afraid, surely it will be fine, leave everything to me
Colse you eyes Close your eyes Close your eyes I'll set you free
湿ったくちびるからDon't tell me lie
しどろもどろbe quiet and lay it down
焦らしているつもりでもYou're so honey tonight
汗ばむ肌揺れてるRide on me
It's so easy to be falling いっそさらけ出してOpen your real mind
Although you can't turn back thereだからLeave everything to me
Baby, it's so easy to be fallingそして加速していく Your real mind
Don't be afraid, surely it will be fine, leave everything to me
Colse you eyes Close your eyes Close your eyes I'll set you free
Colse you eyes Close your eyes Close your eyes I'll set you free
music / lyric George Nishiyama
© 2014-2021 HAPHAZARD RECORDS All Rights Reserved.
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