【Paper】\1ナノメートル以下の分解能で!/ 世界初!1分子内部の電子の歪みを画像化 Prof. Sugawara Group, ACS Nano 2023.*更新有
大阪大学大学院工学研究科 菅原康弘教授、山本達也さん(研究当時:博士後期課程)、大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科 石原一教授、大阪公立大学大学院工学研究科 余越伸彦准教授、大阪産業技術研究所 山根秀勝研究員らの研究チームは、光照射により発生する力(光圧)を計る顕微鏡(光誘起力顕微鏡)を用いて、単一分子の中で電子が複雑に歪む様子を1ナノメートル(10億分の1メートル)以下の分解能で画像化することに世界で初めて成功しました。
本研究成果は、2023年12月29日(金)に米国化学会の学術誌「ACS Nano」にオンライン掲載されました。
菅原 康弘 教授 ナノ物性工学領域のHP
Title:“Optical Imaging of a Single Molecule with Subnanometer Resolution by Photoinduced Force Microscopy”
Authors:T. Yamamoto, H. Yamane, N. Yokoshi, H. Oka, H. Ishihara and Y. Sugawara
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c10924
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Visualizing the optical response of individual molecules is a long-standing goal in catalysis, molecular nanotechnology, and biotechnology. The molecular response is dominated not only by the electronic states in their isolated environment but also by neighboring molecules and the substrate. Information about the transfer of energy and charge in real environments is essential for the design of the desired molecular functions. However, visualizing these factors with spatial resolution beyond the molecular scale has been challenging. Here, by combining photoinduced force microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy, we have mapped the photoinduced force in a pentacene bilayer with a spatial resolution of 0.6 nm and observed its “multipole excitation”. We identified the excitation as the result of energy and charge transfer between the molecules and to the Ag substrate. These findings can be achieved only by combining microscopy techniques to simultaneously visualize the optical response of the molecules and the charge transfer between the neighboring environments. Our approach and findings provide insights into designing molecular functions by considering the optical response at each step of layering molecules.
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Prof. Yasuhiro Sugawara Group
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