
【Features】2023年度 祝ご卒業🎉

令和6年3月25日(月)にて大阪大学 卒業式・大学院学位記授与式が挙行されました。物理学系専攻および応用物理学科目では、学位を授与された皆様と教員とで記念写真撮影(①)や卒業パーティー(②)を執り行いました。

On Monday, March 25, 2024, Osaka University held a graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony. A memorial photo (①) was taken and a graduation party (②) was held with faculty members and students who received degrees from our Department.

授与式の様子 / At the degree conferment ceremony

① 記念写真撮影 / Memorial Photo Shooting

Congratulations to all of you who have received your bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. The entire faculty wishes you continued success in all of you!

銀杏会館での集合写真 / Group photo at Icho Hall

② 卒業パーティー / Graduation party




乾杯時の様子 / At the time of the toast
歓談中 /  Enjoying conversation

The graduation party was a great last opportunity for many graduates and faculty members to attend. Among the participants, there were some last exchanges with acquaintances and some first encounters. We hope that the fellowship and networking of our department will be a source of strength.

The graduates selected by roulette had many interesting and unique memories to share. We also received congratulatory speeches on behalf of the department chair, Dr. Sakamoto, Dr. Sugawara, Dr. Inoue, and Dr. Nishimori from the OB/OG Association, making this a memorable meeting. 

Lastly, we would like to thank all the students and faculty members who hosted the graduation party for their efforts in making the event a success.