10 difficult-to-understand real estate terms(分かりにくい不動産用語10選)*資料付→①賃貸借契約の場面で使う英語・②不動産関連中国語対訳票
①≪敷金≫ Deposit
The money that the lessee deposits with the lessor when contracting a rental property is called a deposit. It is collected in case the lessee does not pay the rent. At the end of the rental contract, if there is no unpaid rent, it is usually refunded.
②≪礼金≫ Key money
Key money is a one-time allowance by the lessee to the lessor at the time of the rental housing contract. Even if the contract ends, it is usually not refundable. Key money is customary and has no legal basis.
③≪前家賃≫ Rent paid in the previous month
At the time of contract, it means paying the rent and management fee for the following month at the contract month. Even if the move-in date is delayed and you have not actually moved in yet, you still have to pay for the number of days from the contracted move-in date. In addition, even after moving in, you will have to pay the rent for the following month.
④≪保証会社≫ Guarantee company
In the past, in order to rent a rental property, it was common to set up a "guarantor" who had to pay the rent if the lessee could not pay the rent.
However, there are increasing cases of using a guaranteed company that will take the place of a guarantor by paying money. If the contract requires a contract with a guaranteed company, you must make a contract.
⑤≪家財保険≫ Household property insurance
Household property insurance is insurance for damage compensation for movables such as furniture, electrical appliances, clothing, and daily necessities in the house in the event of a fire.
General fire insurance for rental housing includes three types of insurance: household property insurance for a set of household goods of a resident, renter liability insurance for a landlord, and personal liability insurance for troubles with a third party in daily life.
⑥≪鍵交換≫ Key exchange
There is a key exchange fee that is charged together with the deposit and key money when lessee contracts a rental property. After the former lessee have moved out, they make a new front door key. It is possible that the previous residents did not return all the keys when they moved out. Therefore, it is a measure to eliminate the possibility of using the master key to break into the room.
⑦≪清掃料≫ Cleaning fee
For rental properties, the cost of receiving a cleaning service from a specialized company is called the cleaning fee. Cleaning companies use special tools and chemicals to clean the room to a level where the next resident can move in comfortably. In some cases, you will have to pay a cleaning fee when you move in.
⑧≪水廻消毒料≫ Disinfectant fee for wet area of the property
キッチン・洗面所・浴室・トイレなどの水廻りを清掃消毒するために支払うお金のことです。 入居時に支払う場合と、退去時に支払う場合があります。
This is the money the lessee pays to clean and disinfect the water around the kitchen, washroom, bathroom and toilet. The lessee has to pay when moving in or when moving out.
⑨≪違約金≫ Penalty
In most cases, the contract period is fixed, and the contract is concluded after the lessee and the lessor have agreed. Therefore, if you cancel the contract halfway due to the circumstances of the lessee, you will be in breach of the contract. If you cancel the contract in the middle of the contract period, a penalty will be incurred to compensate for the originally planned loss of profit. Penalty rules differ for each property, so it is important to check the contents of the contract properly.
⑩≪原状回復費用≫ Restoration cost
退去する際に、借りたお部屋を元の状態に戻して貸主に返すための修繕・補修費用のことです。 この義務は、借主の故意や過失等により変わってしまった箇所に対するものであり、自然消耗・劣化による変化は含まれないとされています。
This is a repair cost for returning the rented room to its original condition when moving out. This obligation is for the parts that have changed due to the intention or negligence of the lessee. Changes due to natural consumption and deterioration are not included.
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