
たけのこのからあげ/Fried bamboo shoots

たけのこのからあげ/Fried bamboo shoots

I usually make ”Bamboo shoots with young leaves of Sansho (Japanese Pepper) dressing " whenever I make Bamboo shoots rice.
I wanted to make a different kind of dish using Bamboo shoots, so I tried to make this dish.
This was unexpectedly so yummy!
This became a Hall of Famer in my top 100 kind of dishes.

ゆでたけのこ         100g
濃い口しょうゆ     小匙1
みりん                    小匙2
片栗粉                    大匙2
かつおぶし             3g
なたねサラダ油      適量
100 g   Boiled bamboo shoots
1 tsp    Dark soy sauce 
2 tsp    Mirin 
2 Tbsp Starch
3 g      Bonito flakes 
Proper amount   Salt 
Proper amount   Rapeseed oil

1. ゆでたけのこを1cm角程度に切る
1. Cut boiled bamboo shoots into 1 cm square pieces.
2. Put bamboo shoots, soy sauce and mirin in a bowl, mix well and leave for 10 minutes or more.


3. たけのこの余分の水分をとり、片栗粉をまぶす
3. Remove excess water from bamboo shoots, put starch and mix well.


4. かつおぶしをフライパンにいれ、中火で乾煎りし、手で粗めにつぶす
4. Put bonito flakes in a frying pan, dry on medium heat and crush it by hand.


5. フライパンに多めの油をいれて、中火以下でたけのこを炒め揚げる
5. Add a lot of oil to a pan and stir-fry the bamboo shoots over medium heat.


6. からっとなったら、余分の油をペーパータオルでとったあと、塩少々と煎ったかつおぶしをまぶし、盛り付ける。
6. When it becomes crispy, remove excess oil with a paper towel, sprinkle with a little salt and roasted bonito flakes, and serve.

・ You'd better use a lot of oil than usual stir-frying.
Put the starch left in the bowl in a frying pan and fry it together.
If bamboo shoots stick to each other, add more oil.
・ If you can prepare young leaves of Sansho (Japanese Pepper), cut them finely and mix with salt to improve the flavor.

