にんじんドレッシング/Carrot Dressing
にんじんドレッシングを作りましょう/Carrot Dressing
Let's make the carrot dressing If you would be able to get the fresh carrot.
Using a mixer is easier to make it.
It can be stored for about a month in the refrigerator, but maybe you'll use it up soon because it's delicious.
Maybe you will crave fresh salad every day.
にんじん 150g
たまねぎ 150g
玄米酢 60g
なたねサラダ油 260g
自然塩 8g
ブラックペッパー 適量
150 g Carrot
150 g Onion
60 g Brown rice vinegar
260g Rapeseed oil
8 g Natural sea salt
Proper amount Black pepper
1. にんじんとたまねぎはざっくりと切る
Cut carrot and onion into thick slices.
2. すべての材料をミキサーに入れ、粉砕する
Put all ingredients in a mixer and blend them until consistent.
The most important point of this dressing is the carrot.
Use the fresh carrot as possible as you can.
Inside of the skin is the most delicious, so do not peel the skin.
If you do so, the organic carrot is recommended.