
yang man killig


Continuing parent killing lover killing

The boy of 15 years old murdered in the Wakkanai City in Hokkaido and the divorce of parents murdered the friend and the mother dissatisfying .
The boy of 19 years old seems to have strangled the schoolgirl of 20 years old in Tokuyama.
Why does such children's events happen?
A man who had confined the girl for years how many in not only Japan but also Australia committed suicide.
It was made to call the master as well as Japan.
Leftist-affiliated Ms. relates this in the TV debate association and if it is necessary never to hit , the child is deeply related to this said forcibly repeatedly. This is guided so that the day founder of a religion should not hit the child remainder either.
The violence and discipline disregarding is prohibited in the expression like leftist-affiliated and the discipline disregarding will be prohibited to mix with . Even this abandons the education, and does not educate children morally.
A minimum child concrete floor exists also in Islam and Europe for the discipline disregarding.
This was to have prohibited it in Japan.
This causes today's confusion.
If this is translated comprehensible in the animal kingdom, <dog> discipline will understand how to become when failing to disregard .
The dog becomes a master by me, risks, judges the position of good ‚ў of the first finish sofa to be a place of my rope -lined, occupies, and the god for the fang is lucky to the one to approach.
This escalates gradually and the dog becomes brutal.
Children at the present age also think that they are masters of such teaching at the school because it has received .
It wants to confine girls at random and make me decide the master and called.
The dog which did not do the discipline disregarding becomes brutal. Children's running the parent killing and to kill the lover has budded in a bad education by which such a discipline disregarding is refused.
Children have been tailored up by the terrorist at the city and home.
The people who keep the dog in the house should be collected all members in the park and receive dog's correct discipline disregarding course ‚р in Germany.
The turn is not politely troubled you at all even if it takes to the restaurant because all dogs have received a regular discipline in Germany.
Dog walking and this cause the discipline disregarding in the Education person in the restaurant as for children very of it in Japan and because violence and all mix are prohibited, such a situation has been caused.
The parent who has the child collects and time when the course of the discipline how to disregard it is an obligation and is kicked comes also in Japan.




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