
You Are Good

Lord, You are good and Your mercy
endureth forever
Lord, You are good and Your mercy
endureth forever

People form every nation and
tongue, from generation to generation

We worship You, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
We worship You for who You are
We worship You,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
We worship You for who You are
You are good

Yes You are (✕3)
So good, so good

You are good, all the time,
All the time, You are good!
You are good, all the time,
All the time, You are good!

すばらしい主の あわれみ
変らない いつくしみ

肌の色も言葉も 世代も超え

ハレルヤ ハレルヤ
あがめよう あなただけ

You are Good!
イエスは イエスは イエスは
So Good, So Good

You are Good! どんな時も
You are Good!

Bing 動画

2024.8.4 いちょう祭り
