
Convict English:(2)核兵器と世界の安全保障

1. Before Listening


  1. What factors might be contributing to a potential new nuclear arms race?

  2. How has the global nuclear landscape changed since the end of the Cold War?

  3. What challenges does the United States face in maintaining its nuclear deterrence strategy?

2. Summary


  1. The era of nuclear de-escalation following the Cold War has ended, giving way to a more complex and unpredictable nuclear landscape involving multiple powers.

  2. The United States is considering expanding its nuclear arsenal to address new threats and reassure allies, while also struggling with political and resource constraints.

  3. The potential for nuclear proliferation among both adversaries and allies poses significant risks to global stability and security.

3. Words and Phrases


  1. Deterrence (n): The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.

    • 語源: ラテン語の "deterrere"(おびえさせる、遠ざける)に由来

    • 使用例: "Extended deterrence is both essential and in its narrow self-interest."

  2. Proliferation (n): Rapid increase in the number or amount of something.

    • 語源: ラテン語の "proles"(子孫)+ "ferre"(もたらす)

    • 使用例: "If Iran gets the bomb, so might Saudi Arabia. Proliferation would be destabilising."

  3. Isolationist (adj): Favoring a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.

    • 語源: ラテン語の "insula"(島)+ "-ist"(~する人)

    • 使用例: "Mr Trump and some isolationist Republicans may argue that none of this is necessary to protect America."

  4. Brinkmanship (n): The practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.

    • 語源: "brink"(縁)+ "man" + "-ship"(状態や条件)の組み合わせ

    • 使用例: "It also makes extended deterrence more difficult... and further complicate the psychology of brinkmanship."

  5. Umbrella (n): In this context, a protective force or influence.

    • 語源: ラテン語の "umbra"(影)

    • 使用例: "In a dangerous world, it would be reckless to let America's nuclear umbrella fray."

4. Word Watch


  1. Nuclear triad: Refers to the three components of a nuclear arsenal: land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and strategic bomber aircraft.

    • 歴史的背景: この概念は冷戦時代に第二撃能力を確保するための戦略として登場しました。

    • 一般的な使用法: "Today it has a smaller 'triad' of nuclear weapons that could be launched from land, air or under the sea."

  2. Extended deterrence: The concept of one country using its military power (often nuclear) to help protect allies.

    • 歴史的背景: 冷戦時代にNATO同盟国を保護するためのアメリカの戦略の一部として発展しました。

    • 一般的な使用法: "And it offers 'extended deterrence': a promise to defend allies if required."

  3. Nuclear threshold: The point at which a country decides to acquire or use nuclear weapons.

    • 歴史的背景: この用語は冷戦時代の核軍拡競争の間に注目されるようになりました。

    • 一般的な使用法: "The odds of conventional war may rise, too, if countries try to stop their enemies from crossing the nuclear threshold."

5. Say What You Mean

以下は、テキストに基づいた GRE レベルの空欄補充問題です。各問題は1語で答えられるようになっています。答えは文書の最後にあります。

  1. The Pentagon fears that America's nuclear arsenal may be stretched too ______ to effectively deter multiple adversaries simultaneously.

  2. The concept of ______ deterrence, where America protects allies with its nuclear capabilities, is becoming less credible due to various factors.

  3. Some experts argue that a ______ deterrent, with just enough nuclear weapons to destroy an enemy's main cities after a surprise attack, could be sufficient.

6. Quote...Unquote


"The genie is out of the bottle, and we must do everything we can to impede its mischief." - J. Robert Oppenheimer

背景: J・ロバート・オッペンハイマーは、しばしば「原爆の父」と呼ばれ、この発言を1953年に行いました。核兵器の破壊力を目の当たりにした後、オッペンハイマーは原子力の国際管理と核不拡散の提唱者となりました。この引用は、核技術の拡散とそれが解き放たれた後の制御の難しさについての彼の懸念を反映しています。

7. What's Next?


  1. 中国、ロシア、北朝鮮などの国々が核能力を開発する上での安全保障上の懸念や動機。

  2. 新たな軍拡競争が世界経済の安定性や気候変動などの他の緊急課題に関する国際協力に及ぼす潜在的な影響。

  3. 核拡散防止と軍縮を促進する上での国際機関や条約の役割。


  1. 核兵器の拡大に依存しない核抑止と軍備管理の代替アプローチを研究する。

  2. 新興核保有国を含む新たな多国間協定の可能性を探る。

  3. 核兵器の維持と拡大にかかる経済的・環境的コストを調査し、これらのリソースを他の世界的課題に振り向ける方法を検討する。

8. Answers

  1. thin

  2. extended

  3. minimum
