
Convict English:(95)2025年、中国が直面する大きな懸念

1. Before Listening


  1. Predicting Key Issues: Based on the title “Xi Jinping has much to worry about in 2025”, what economic or political factors might create challenges for China in the coming year?

  2. Identifying Stakeholders: Who are the primary actors involved in China’s challenges, and what are their possible motivations (e.g., Chinese leadership, other countries)?

  3. Assessing Potential Outcomes: What might happen if China’s economic growth continues to slow, and how could social tensions escalate under these conditions?

2. Summary


Main Points

  1. Economic Turmoil: The article emphasizes how a floundering economy—exacerbated by potential new tariffs from the Trump administration—threatens China’s stability. Consumer and investor confidence is low, a property-market slump looms large, and China’s growth targets for 2025 are under scrutiny.

  2. Social Tensions and “Revenge on Society”: Rising social stresses have prompted random acts of violence, indicating growing public discontent. The government’s approach involves strengthening grassroots surveillance and control, signaling heightened concern about civil unrest.

  3. Leadership Pressures: Xi Jinping faces internal factional challenges, including corruption scandals within the People’s Liberation Army, while externally he must manage fraught diplomatic situations—particularly with the United States, Europe, and ongoing tensions involving Taiwan and the South China Sea.

3. Words and Phrases


  1. Tumult

    • 定義: 大きな騒ぎ、混乱状態、あるいは騒動

    • 語源: ラテン語 tumultus(騒動、混乱)に由来

    • Usage: “The possibility of Trump-induced tumult in the relationship between the world’s two strongest powers is a big and immediate worry.”

  2. Exacerbate

    • 定義: 悪化させる、問題や感情をさらに深刻化させる

    • 語源: ラテン語の exacerbare(徹底的に+苦い/厳しい)に由来

    • Usage: “Devaluing the yuan might exacerbate tensions with trade partners.”

  3. Browbeat

    • 定義: 威圧的な態度や言葉で脅す、強要する

    • 語源: 19世紀中頃の英語が起源。しかめ面で睨みつけ、威圧する様子を表す

    • Usage: “Mr Xi will keep trying to browbeat Taiwan as well as rival claimants to territory in the South China Sea.”

  4. Pro-forma

    • 定義: 形式的な、儀礼的に行われる

    • 語源: ラテン語 pro forma(形式上)に由来

    • Usage: “Officials have called for trials to be ‘severely, strictly and swiftly,’ often resulting in pro-forma proceedings.”

  5. Disinclined

    • 定義: 気が進まない、乗り気でない

    • 語源: 中期英語の dis-(反転を示す)+inclined(~する気がある)に由来

    • Usage: “With so much bothering him at home, Mr Xi may be disinclined to take big risks abroad.”

4. Word Watch


  1. “Revenge on society”

    • 定義: 自分が受けた不満や不正義に対する社会全体への報復行為

    • 歴史的背景: 特定個人への攻撃ではなく社会そのものに向けられる暴力を指し、多くの国や文化圏で見られる現象

    • 一般的な使用状況: ニュースや報道などで、社会に不満を抱えた個人が起こす無差別的・象徴的な攻撃の意図を示す際に使用される

  2. “In the doldrums”

    • 定義: 停滞状態や停滞感、行き詰まりを表す表現

    • 歴史的背景: 元々は赤道付近の風が弱く海が穏やかな地域を指す航海用語で、そこから転じて停滞・沈滞を意味するようになった

    • 一般的な使用状況: 経済活動や感情面での落ち込みを指す表現としてよく使われる

  3. “War on graft”

    • 定義: 汚職や賄賂などを徹底的に取り締まる運動・キャンペーン

    • 歴史的背景: 20世紀初頭から世界各国で政府や組織が掲げる反汚職運動を指す用語として使われてきた

    • 一般的な使用状況: 腐敗追放やクリーンな政治体制を標榜する際のフレーズとして用いられる

5. Say What You Mean


  1. “The possibility of Trump-induced _____ in the relationship between the world’s two strongest powers is a big and immediate worry.”

  2. “Devaluing the yuan might _____ tensions with trade partners.”

  3. “Mr Xi will keep trying to _____ Taiwan as well as rival claimants.”

6. Quote...Unquote

“Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.” – Winston Churchill


7. What’s Next?


A Wider Critique

Suggested Next Action

8. Footnotes (Answers to Section 5)

  1. Tumult

  2. Exacerbate

  3. Browbeat
