OpenAIは、ジュークボックス用にいくつかの異なるモデルをトレーニングしました。このノートブックでは、5b_lyricsモデルと1b_lyricsモデルにアクセスできます。ご想像のとおり、5b_lyricsモデルは優れたモデルですが、正しく実行するにはより強力なGPUも必要です。どのモデルを選択するかは、割り当てられたGPUによって異なります。これは、ノートブックの最初のセルで確認できます。推奨設定:P100またはT4 GPUでは5b_lyrics、K80GPUでは1b_lyrics。
P100 GPU:3サンプル、
T4 GPU:2サンプル。
K80 GPU:最大8サンプル、ただし1b_lyricsのみ。
Guide to the above settings:
your_lyrics: Specify the lyrics Jukebox should attempt to follow. You can paste any lyrics you want in here or leave it blank, which will result in gibberish.
OpenAI has trained a few different models for Jukebox. In this notebook, you can access the 5b_lyrics and 1b_lyrics models. As you can imagine, the 5b_lyrics model is the superior one, but also requires a stronger GPU to run properly. Which model you should choose depends on the GPU you were assigned, which you can check in the first cell of the notebook. Recommended settings: 5b_lyrics on P100 or T4 GPU, 1b_lyrics on K80 GPU.
(5b_lyrics theoretically works on a K80 now, but sampling is going to be super slow.)
Here you can choose how many samples you want to generate. Different GPUs can handle a different amount of samples. Recommended settings:
P100 GPU: 3 samples,
T4 GPU: 2 samples;
K80 GPU: up to 8 samples, but 1b_lyrics only.
hps.name: Specifies the name of the folder in Google Drive, where you will find your results in. Make sure to choose a different name for each of your runs, or else the notebook will get confused.
speed_upsampling: If selected, will upsample much faster, at the cost of the samples sounding slightly "choppy".
mode: Available modes are primed and ancestral. Primed will continue an already existing song, ancestral generates a song from scratch. (Upsample mode will be selected automatically if a data file is detected within the folder provided)
audio_file: Only needed for primed mode. Specifies which song Jukebox will continue. Upload the file you want (needs to be .wav format!) to the root directory of your Google Drive and fill in its name above.
prompt_length_in_seconds: Only needed for primed mode. Specifies how many seconds of your file Jukebox will be primed on (so, at which point Jukebox will "kick in"). Recommended to keep below 24 seconds for memory reasons.
sample_length_in_seconds: Specifies how long your fully generated samples are going to be.
select_artist and select_genre: List of available artists and genres can be found here: https://github.com/openai/jukebox/tree/master/jukebox/data/ids
The 5b_lyrics model utilizes the v2 lists, the 1b_lyrics model the v3 lists. It is possible to combine up to five v2 genres, for example "Hip Hop Pop Punk Disco". Combining v3 genres is not possible.
sampling_temperature: Determines the creativity and energy of Jukebox. The higher the temperature, the more chaotic and intense the result will be. You can experiment with this. Recommended to keep between .96 and .999
Important links:
Official blog: https://openai.com/blog/jukebox/
Original repo: https://github.com/openai/jukebox/
License: Non-commercial, for details see: https://github.com/openai/jukebox/blob/master/LICENSE