2021 GSC Fukushima-Bu Study Program 【Day.2】
Hello, Everyone!
This is Karthik Rampalli from GSC Yokohama hub!
It has already been one month since our 2021 GSC Fukushima-Bu Study Program.
In this article, I would like to share the experience of one of the study program members and also GSC yokohama hub member.
I will share my experiences of the 2nd day of this study tour! I hope you enjoy reading this article!
Here is a snapshot of how some of our members felt while they visited 3 remarkable landmarks on the 2nd day of the Fukuhsima tour. The landmarks are:
A. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear reactor,
B. The Interim Soil Storage / Processing / Treatment facility,
C. The Ukedo Elementary School
(Hereby denoted as A,B,C respectively)
A. 福島第一原子力発電所
B. 中間貯蔵施設
C. 請戸小学校
Karthik Rampalli
GSC Yokohama hub
A. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear reactor/福島第一原子力発電所
This incident had a huge impact on everyone’s lives, both in and out of Japan. For example, a lot of expats left Japan due to the fear of being affected by radiation.
Some of them also advised me to be careful / drop the idea of going to Japan for studying. But seeing the reactor with my own eyes, and by feeling the air, I could understand the severity of the earthquake and the devastating consequences of it.
It was a thrilling experience, for reasons I cannot fully explain here. You should go and check it out by yourself.
B. The Interim Soil Storage / Processing / Treatment facility/ 中間貯蔵施設
Regarding the storage / treatment facilities, the government did a great job in explaining the process to everyone and is putting in the best effort to maintain transparency throughout the process.
C. The Ukedo Elementary School/請戸小学校
This was a moving experience. I was almost in tears, as I went through the once renowned elementary school, now a museum. The school is a testament of sheer grit, will power, trust, disaster readiness and courage. The fact that there were 0 victims and 0 casualties is itself mind blowing. Just imagine, one miscalculation, one teeny tiny bit of mistrust, one fragment of fear would have resulted in unfathomable consequences. The story of Ukedo elementary school serves as a lesson of disaster readiness and mitigation for the rest of the world.
Nanami Murata
Wakayama Medical University, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
A.The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear reactor/福島第一原子力発電所
A lot of things need to be resolved. I would like to know what is the final goal they have in mind for this place.
B. The Interim Soil Storage / Processing / Treatment facility/ 中間貯蔵施設
What is the purpose of this facility? The person who showed us around said that after burying the contaminated soil, they plan to cover it with grass, which will make it look good, but where will they take the soil, so what is the goal of this interim storage facility? What is the goal of an interim storage facility? Is it to prioritize short-term scenic beauty? If you have that kind of money, why not provide allowances to the people who originally lived there? I thought about the issue of how far the wishes/intentions of the local people would be reflected!
C. The Ukedo Elementary School/請戸小学校
I really felt that each person's actions played a huge role in saving everyone's life! Had the school teachers not made the evacuation a top priority, if they hadn't persuaded the parents who were bored out of their minds with worrying about their children to evacuate first, then everyone wouldn't have survived, so I now know that my actions would have had a big impact!
Tomoya Watanabe
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Social and International Studies, Department of International Studies
A. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear reactor/福島第一原子力発電所
Even though I am a resident of Fukushima Prefecture, I have never had the chance to look at the entire story objectively, but today I had that chance.
B. The Interim Soil Storage / Processing / Treatment facility/ 中間貯蔵施設
I heard about it in the news, but this was a chance to see for myself what is being done on the front lines, on what scale, and by what company. It made me think about the future of the facility and Fukushima as a region!
C.The Ukedo Elementary School/請戸小学校
The fact that an elementary school has been opened as a facility for folklore is of great value to Fukushima. People of all ages have fond memories of elementary schools, and people from other areas have also been to elementary schools, so they can feel the emotions and the reality.
Chihiro Ban
MoneyForward, GSC Fukuoka Hub
A. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear reactor/福島第一原子力発電所
TEPCO was apologizing at the beginning, but to whom were they apologizing, the museum of Dire? The person explaining it was someone who had arrived 3 years ago, so neither did he experience it himself nor thought about what he was lecturing. I didn't get a sense of what TEPCO was honestly thinking.
B. The Interim Soil Storage / Processing / Treatment facility/ 中間貯蔵施設
I thought they were managing it properly. It was good that they were explaining those facilities in a way that the residents could understand!
C. The Ukedo Elementary School/請戸小学校
It's amazing that all the little kids were able to follow the teacher and evacuate! I got a glimpse of the relationship and the trust between the teacher and the students, which was more than usual!
Earth(Saksucha Submakudom)
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Energy Science & Engineering
A. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear reactor/福島第一原子力発電所
The whole accident is a sad occurrence but it could have been avoided, you can’t fight the Tsunami but better planning and execution could’ve helped
B. The Interim Soil Storage / Processing / Treatment facility/ 中間貯蔵施設
By giving all the scientific facts, they explained how they were processing the contaminated soil. Seeing all the effort has moved me, and moved me as I saw with my own eyes that the government is trying to rehabilitate the Fukushima prefecture.
C. The Ukedo Elementary School/請戸小学校
Pretty sad to see the davestation, but I felt relieved that there were no casualties / victims in the incident.
Nagoya University
A. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear reactor/福島第一原子力発電所
Seeing something that we only read about or heard about or saw in the news, was eye opening. It was more real than I thought it was. I understood what actually happened rather than what I read in the articles. It is an interesting thing to think about what Japan will do with all the nuclear waste.
B. The Interim Soil Storage / Processing / Treatment facility/ 中間貯蔵施設
Understood the process. Impressed that instead of abandoning, they are putting in some effort to rebuild the city.
C. The Ukedo Elementary School/請戸小学校
The concept of the museum is good. The people get to see the devastation, taking the situation litely is not acceptable. Playing the victim card, the victim narrative is always not good. The elementary school’s narrative is a heroic one because there were no victims.