
Things to remember when going camping

Camping does have a few important requirements that go beyond bringing a tent and food. Some key items to remember are to keep a positive attitude and be prepared for anything.

Here are a few tips to help you have an amazing camping experience each and every time.

Emergency Preparedness

When camping, be prepared for anything with a few accessories. Always carry the following items:

  • Aspirin for bug bites –If you are experiencing swelling or pain from a bug bite, you ought to try crushing aspirin and adding it to a paste. This is one of the oldest and simplest methods for relieving pain and swelling from bites. Simply crush the aspirin with a spoon and add water to form a goop.

  • Antihistamines for bug bites – Check with your doctor, of course, but some folks swear by antihistamines for the swelling of bee stings and bug bites.

  • First aid kit – A first aid kit for camping trips is recommended to include bandages, antibiotic creams, rubbing alcohol, tape, scissors, and wraps along with basic meds like aspirin (see the above for specific recommendations).

  • Flashlights and batteries – Remember to check flashlights and batteries before you go camping. Just because they are new does not always mean they are functioning.

  • Maps and plenty of them - Make sure that you have maps of the area you are visiting as well as surrounding areas in case you get lost.

  • Bug spray and sunscreen - Sometimes you can get sunburn even in colder weather, especially when it is windy.

  • Plenty of water – you would rather go home with extra water than have too little.

Miscellaneous Tips

If you're considering going camping for the first time, some helpful advice might be remembered following your visit. Some of the things that could make your camping trip more comfortable are mentioned below. If you haven't gone camping before, here are a few pieces of information that may help prepare you.

  • Thermal blankets – Bring as many extra thermal blankets and even sleeping bags as you can roll up. Having more warmth than you think is necessary makes the difference between being happy campers and not.

  • Plastic tablecloths – Bringing plastic tablecloths are a great idea for picnic tables, but it is also a great idea to place them underneath your sleeping bag in case it rains. This will keep you warmer and dryer.

  • Footwear – Footwear is perhaps the most important thing to remember to get right. Heavy-duty boots are best no matter what time of year because bugs and spiders are less likely to bite. Hiking requires proper footwear as well.

  • Layer your clothing – Layering your clothing allows you to accommodate chillier mornings and warmer afternoons.

These are a few things to remember when going camping. It will be very helpful if you have a handwritten checklist or a camping checklist app.
