
物語「GreatesT’rip Jum”V”oyage」06. shinjuku greatestripⅢ

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 I also crossed the intersection of Koschu and Kanlok and walked the rest of the way.

 I sneaked past Giant Man.
 I didn't greet him. Not because I thought it was silly, but because I didn't want it. There are things that don't need closure. Maybe Giant Man will keep his chin wriggling, and there will be a sun-shaped square for the foreseeable future. Even if he grows up to be a person, a seal will still be a seal after all. This is irrelevant, though.
 At the end of the intersection, there is the tree I looked up the other day. This one was so weak that I didn't know if it was the next one, so I just said, "Bye," and hurried on. The reason I was so curt was because I felt embarrassed, as if I was greeting myself.
 As I walked along, looking to my right at Koshu and the highway passing above, the plaza on my left disappeared and a group of vertical buildings appeared, clinging to the sidewalk about three meters high. They were all overhanging the sidewalk, saying "me, me, me. But they were nothing compared to the big-name skyscrapers in the middle of Sintoshin. They are ordinary buildings.
 On the right, cars and motorcycles buzz at both Koh Siew and High Speed. I don't like the sound of motorcycles, especially when they sound like my cell phone.
 I walk around looking at the signs in front of the buildings. Live music clubs, trendy bars, liquor stores, and ramen shops all have different shapes and contents. To the left, around the entrance of the mundane building, we notice a surprisingly wide variety of stores. They must be what we call the "faces" of the city. But what else is there are flower pots, trash cans, old magazines bundled up in plastic string, and not much else. I guess they are like glasses, eyelash extensions, and pimples.
 I walk around looking at these unimportant things, thinking about unimportant things.
 I think to myself, weird guy.
 Even as I do this, time is moving on. People are walking, motorcycles are whizzing by at high speeds, and ordinary buildings are trying to make their presence felt even though they can't move.
 But where did we come from and where are we going?
 It's not as if the seals are brave enough to enter the Moss over the iceberg, much less the Gaijin Corps, which is naturally making a detour in Sibuya. Of course, it's not about career women returning to their offices after a day on the road, or buses leaving one terminal for another.
 It is about the past and the future.
 It's not about why you were born or how you will live your life. It's not that heavy a story. Even if I think about it with a downcast look on my face.
 But it is important for me. That's why I'm walking along Koschu. No, it should be important for everyone.
 A buzzing sound went through my right ear. I turned my eyes toward the road, thinking, "What the heck is that noise?

 The highway was floating above the caisses, diagonally above me, and there were no pillars.

 The highway went straight for about 100 meters, then branched off to the left and right at the end of the road, above the sky. Here, at last, a strong gray pillar was supporting them. If you look at this part of the road from above, it looks like the letter "Y".
 Oh, I see. If you continue on the upper left of the 'Y', you will probably go down the ramp and end up under the bridge near the Doriyanse crossing. The evidence of this was that the path ran alongside and through the skyscraper of the middle finger ring finger little finger. As expected, there were no jumps, but the road was connected.
 It was a matter of course, but I was happy about it.
 Then, there was one more thing I wondered about. I wondered what would happen if I continued to the upper right of the "Y".
 We had just hit an intersection. The traffic light is just flashing. I rush to cross to the other side. Soon the light 90 degrees to the right also turns green.
 Maybe I don't have much time left. I ran across the crosswalk, jumping over the white line.
 As I crossed the street, I saw an earth-colored fence in front of me. The surface was rough, and there were roof tiles on top. What is this?
 I was supposed to go to the upper right corner of the "Y," but my interest had already shifted to the wall in front of me.
 I imagined it on my own. I stood in front of the fence and cautiously looked around. There seemed to be no traps or pursuers. I put my sword on my shoulder and leaned the sheath against a post. I take a few steps back, run, jump up using the sheath as a step, and quickly move to the inside of the fence. Pulling the string, the sword also went inside the fence.
 When did this happen? There is an entrance on the left, facing the Koshu. I quickly headed for the entrance.
 There was a Japanese-style gate with tiles on it.
 The walled compound was a temple.
 So what? I am probably not a good match for someone who thinks, "So what? Even in a city like this, with skyscrapers, highways, coaches, and subways, a temple is necessary.
 Next to the gate, on a bulletin board with a glass door, there was a sign that read, "The word 'work' means 'Hatake' and 'Hatake' means 'work.
[The word "work" is written as "Hatake wo Hasu wo Easai wo" ("Make Hatake Easier"). I am sure that by working, you are making someone else's farm richer.]
 At the same time, a voice was heard.
Maybe next time I'll be in a pinch. I'll be your hero then.
 I thought to myself, "So what?
 It's too loud.
 I was so annoyed that I randomly pressed the screen button, and the alarm silenced itself.
 But there was something else in my mind, something other than annoyance. It rolled slowly inside me and began to move. Like when I started running down the gentle downhill slope of a meadow.
 I tapped the earth-colored fence, and it answered with a crisp, dry sound.
 That's it for today. I started to run.
 At the foot of the three-fingered skyscraper, across the pedestrian crossing from where I came from, a free bus bound for the terminal is parked. It would be fine if the buses were on time and in a regular rotation, but sometimes it would be nice to go somewhere far away, to a different world, I thought.


