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アメリカ、ウィスコンシン州の人気クラフトビールブランド「Great Dane Brewing」(グレートデーンブリューイング)が2023年夏、宮城県仙台市秋保地区にレストラン併設のブルワリーをオープン

Great Dane Brewing株式会社(本社:宮城県仙台市、代表取締役:村本伸司)は、2023年夏に宮城県仙台市秋保(あきう)地区に、レストラン併設のクラフトビール醸造所をオープンします。Great Dane Brewing(グレートデーンブリューイング、以下グレートデーン)はアメリカ、ウィスコンシン州マディソンで1994年に創業された人気クラフトビールブランドですが、初めての海外進出先として日本の仙台を選びました。アメリカ人と日本人からなる混成チームが、両国のクラフトビール文化を融合させ、東北の地から新たなスタイルを提案します。



ちなみにグレートデーンは、「優しい巨人」と呼ばれる大型犬の犬種を意味するとともに、州都マディソンが位置するDane County(デーン郡)を「Great Dane(偉大なるデーン郡)」と呼ぶダブル・ミーニングから名付けられました。犬のグレートデーンの頭をかたどった象徴的なロゴマークは、「Dog Head」としてファンから愛されています。












Below is the press release distributed in June 2022.


Great Dane Brewing, a popular craft beer brand from Wisconsin, USA, will open a brewery with a restaurant in the Akiu area of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture in the summer of 2023!

Great Dane Brewing K.K. (Head Office: Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture; President: Shinji Muramoto) will open a craft brewery with a restaurant in the Akiu district of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture in the summer of 2023. Great Dane Brewing is a popular craft beer brand founded in 1994 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, and has chosen Sendai, Japan, as its first overseas location. The mixed team of American and Japanese members will fuse the craft beer cultures of the two countries and offer a new style from the Tohoku region.

【Body text】
Great Dane was founded in 1994 in Madison, the capital of the U.S. state of Wisconsin, by Rob Lobreglio ("Rob") and Elliot Butler, two friends from their school days. The state is home to cities such as Milwaukee, which is well known for its beer.

Great Dane has become popular with locals and tourists alike for its "brewpub" style, where freshly brewed craft beer can be enjoyed at the on-site eatery, and now has five locations in the region.

Incidentally, Great Dane was named after the double meaning of the breed of large dogs called "gentle giants" and Dane County, where the state capital, Madison, is located, as "Great Dane County. The iconic logo in the shape of a Great Dane's head is loved by fans as the "Dog Head.

Rob, the brewmaster, is a top-notch brewer who was named Brewer of the Year in the U.S. in 2012, and can brew as many as 200 different types of beer at will. He is currently researching what type of beer to launch in Japan, and is constantly experimenting.

Rob has long had a special feeling for Japan, as Tetsuya Kiyosawa, a Japanese national, worked as a brewer at Great Dane in the early days of the company, and Rob's brother was a Japanophile who even taught at Kyoto University. With Kiyosawa's mediation, Rob is also the brewing advisor for Matsumoto Brewery, which was founded in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture in 2016.

In addition, Rob's friend Phil Dawson, a local TV and radio personality, moved to Japan with his wife, plus his growing friendship with Shinji Muramoto, chef/owner of a famous Japanese restaurant in Madison, also prompted serious consideration of expanding to Japan.

In the U.S., craft beer accounts for about a quarter of the total beer market in terms of value, while in Japan it accounts for only about 2 percent. Craft beer has been attracting attention in Japan in recent years, and we are convinced that it still has the potential to expand, so we decided to enter the market to create a new beer culture in Japan as a brand originating from the United States.

When we consulted with JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) in the U.S. to find out which region of Japan we should establish a brewery, a representative from Miyagi Prefecture came all the way to Madison upon hearing this information and enthusiastically invited us to visit Miyagi Prefecture. Later, during a visit to Sendai City on an inspection tour, I developed a close relationship with Mr. Chikabusa Mori of Akiu Winery and Mr. Blaise Plant of the Sendai-based rock/pop band "Monkey Magic," and as if guided by various "connections," I decided to open a restaurant in the Akiu area of Sendai City.

Around this time, Daisuke Koyasu, an active food and beverage producer, joined the team, and preparations for the opening of the restaurant were steadily underway.

The proposed site for the brewery is in the Akiu area of Sendai City. Akiu is located in the southwest of Sendai City, about 30 minutes by car from Sendai Station. It is a place rich in nature, blessed with hot springs, historical facilities, and scenic beauty that opens along the Natori River. Before Corona, it was a very popular tourist destination, visited by more than 3 million people a year.

Great Dane is located in the heart of Akiu, right in front of the Akiu Grand Hotel, and land has been set aside for the brewery. The site area is approximately 5000 square meters and the brewery is 1000 square meters in size. The brewery produces dozens of original beers per year, and the adjoining restaurant offers freshly brewed beer and an American-style food menu.

The project will start with the development of the land, which is currently vacant, and the construction of a two-story factory. We have been growing hops in the Akiu area since 2021, and will actively use the hops we grow ourselves in our future beer production.
