
Irregular Learning English 32



The music began to play off the cast and producers of the acclaimed period drama “Shōgun” after their win for best drama but stopped as soon as star and new Emmy winner Hiroyuki Sanada took the mic and expressed his intention to say his short address in Japanese. In his native tongue, he thanked the crew, directors and masters “who have inherited and supported our Samurai period dramas until now.” He added: “The passion and dreams that we have inherited from you have crossed oceans and borders.”

So, too, has “Shōgun” itself in many ways. The show’s success, the first non-English language program to win best drama and only the second to be nominated in the category (the first was “Squid Game” was the first in 2022), hammers home the point many creatives shout from rooftops (and award show stages) any chance they can: Take risks. If the story is compelling, viewers and success will come.

In all, the series picked up four awards, including history-making individual acting honors for its two stars Sanada and Anna Sawai.

・period drama : 時代劇 
・hammer home : 力説する
・shout from the rooftops:世間に吹聴する
・viewer :視聴者 

最優秀ドラマ賞を受賞した時代劇『SHOGUN』のキャストとプロデューサーたちから音楽が流れ始めたが、主演で新たにエミー賞を受賞した真田広之がマイクを握り、日本語で短い挨拶をする意向を示すと、すぐに音楽は止まった。彼は母国語で、「これまで時代劇を受け継ぎ、支えてくれた 」Staff, Director, Masterたちに感謝の言葉を述べた。そして、「皆さんから受け継いだ情熱と夢は、海を越え、国境を越えてきました」と付け加えました。

『SHOGUN』というドラマ自身も同様にドラマ部門の作品賞を受賞【So, too, has “Shōgun” itself in many ways.の翻訳ですが、"too"は真田広之と同様になのか不明。 in many waysの色々な方法での意味もわからず翻訳をスキップ】。このドラマの成功、英語以外作品の作品賞の受賞でで、二回目の受賞(2022年の“Squid Game”が初)は、多くのクリエイターが世間に伝えている「ストーリーに説得力があれば、視聴者と成功はやってくる」というチャンスを強調した。
