Neuro Design
Neuro Design is a new and growing field that applies insights from the mind sciences and technological developments to help craft more effective and uniquely experienceable designs in various fields just as gaining deeper information about the involved processes.
1 Communication changes
It is not only the way we communicate that has been greatly changed by the digital world. Even if it is nothing patent to us, our perception is entirely changing due to diverse digital applications and new connections and developments between design and new technologies. This includes in what kind of way we absorb information with our senses and how our brain processes it. Furthermore how our reality floats more and more towards a "creation" making us shift between "virtual" and "real", "nature" and "artificial" , "ones true identity" and "online account"...
Using and interpreting multimedia content becomes more and more a part of our daily life.Especially technological progress in any direction makes very exciting applications possible, which of some of them we don't want to live without anymore but digitalization changes our habits, our social behavior and even our mind set, our self, our identity.. which is why thinking about how to approach it individually and globally becomes more and more important in my opinion.
Human perception and the human body is for any kind of these developments the "starting point".
I want to take a look at both - human perception but also new developments in the digital sphere in order to get a better idea of how our future might look like.
2 Digital everyday life & neuroscientific effects
Portable devices make it possible to consume media anywhere, any time and it seems. In our work life the computer but also applications play more and more not only a standard role since digital processes and automated procedures increase steadily.
Therefore we are confronted with an enormous flood of information and impressions via a variety of media. Not only does our brain have to process much more information, it also has to be received and experienced first.
Digital media allow a much greater variety of ways to "experience" information. All these complex impressions require a high degree of flexibility and a faster comprehension of the human brain. Images and texts alternate with short video sequences mixed with audio content in a never known density and frequency.
This causes a greater strain on the corresponding sensory organs responsible for our reception which often leads to a feeling of being overwhelmed after long periods are spend with digital media.
How does this effect our health in the long run? How does it effect our empathy and social manners? And where’s the key to create a healthy balance for your body and mind? Along with a growing concern that people may be spending too much time staring into their phones instead of interacting with others, come questions as to the immediate effects on the brain and the possible long-term consequences of such habits.
Also a study at Korea University shows that neurological changes in the brain can be observed with excessive cell phone use. The proportion of various neurotransmitters - GABA and glutamate - was found to be altered in the test subjects. Having too much GABA can result in a number of side effects, including drowsiness, insomnia, depression and anxiety.
3 Multitasking
However all the mentioned changes often make it necessary to adjust ones perception or processing of what we receive accordingly. For some, the requirement to process multiple sensory inputs simultaneously manifests itself in an enhanced multitasking ability. In order to process multiple tasks simultaneously, first of all the information resources have to be divided or sorted appropriately. In addition it is necessary to focus to a sufficient degree while unimportant things are some how fall behind. If the individual informations are not complex we process them easily.
You can take any kind of example for this...
In all cases when you learn something from scratch. practice makes occurring multitasking gradually easier.
If you still have to concentrate on individual steps at the beginning, in time these require less concentration and you can move on to focus on other things required to become better at something. This can be driving a car, learning how to play the piano and so on... .
However, multiple tasks that are piled on us by digitalization are a much more different level since our brain is only capable of multitasking to a limited extent.
Also it is not effective because we tend to forget things when we start skipping between tasks for example and we also become unable to deepen skills in one particular field.
Also not all types of different tasks can be processed simultaneously. Nowadays digital worlds, way of usage and virtual realities appeal to our senses in completely new and complex
4 Conveying emotions as an important aspect
The perception of sensory stimuli is always connected to the triggering of certain emotions. What we perceive through our senses is always processed by our brain with the inclusion of known structures and our own individual experiences. These processes are automatic and take place primarily in the frontal lobe of the brain without us doing much to it.
Designers and artists use this process quite specifically in digital communication or advertising. Neuro marketing is a method that tries to target specific stimuli in order to appeal to customers more efficiently.
For example color is used as a means to symbolize feelings or to achieve faster identification and recognition. Especially colors appeal to our emotions in a variety of ways and their symbolism follows certain archetypal patterns as well as culturally connoted meanings or personal associations.
4 / 1 Digital vision
When it comes to vision, various technologies have been developed already promising a whole new visual experience for our near future:
Holography, Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) provide exciting new opportunities for vision research since they allow us to immerse ourselves in a virtual world. In VR sensory cues are presented to simulate an observer’s presence in a virtual environment. In AR sensory cues are presented that embed virtual stimuli in the real world. In Games but also professional ways as for scientist and doctors (Doctors, for example, could use the glasses to view a 360-degree nano-camera image of the inside of the body in a whole new way)
Holography is not considered a digital process because the image is created by projection, but digital innovations in addition lead to new possibilities and innovations.
The HoloLens from Microsoft represents a special case here. Digitally generated computer models can be created right in front of ones eye and gestures make it possible to change the view and influence the projection in certain ways. This interactive mixed reality technology is used already for the virtual representation of chemical molecules.
4 / 2 Digital hearing
Various digital developments are going to give us entirely new listening experiences in the future. For example they ensure that we have the impression of being in the middle of the action - for example, when listening to a concert or while watching a movie the cinema.
One of the first methods for the digital representation of audio data was the MP3 format. Its specific concept makes it ideal for reproducing the sound of a piano. The technology gained importance in the music world with the boom of keyboards in the 1980s. After that it became an established format for storing and transmitting digital audio data.
Today, the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), which was also involved in the development of the MP3 standard, is working on improvements. The current version, the so-called MPEG-H encoding as well as innovative technologies for sound reproduction should make 3D sound even more realistic and impressive in the future.
4 / 3 Digital Smelling
Natural aroma compounds have long been the focus of scientific attention, and attempts have been made to produce them artificially - often because the original is considered rare and expensive. Often, the specific molecular structure can be replicated in the process.
* Olfactory television: This is a project to ensure that we can sink even deeper into the virtual world. Special olfactory modules are then to emit the appropriate scent in analogy to the program.
* Smell player: The busy Harvard professor David A. Edwards, who is also director of the experimental design center Le Laboratoire, has developed an app-controlled device that emits predefined odor notes at the touch of a button. A digital odor player, so to speak. Different scents can also be assigned to certain music titles in a playlist, for example. Another idea was a smart phone that would make it possible to "send" odors.
Further research is being conducted into the development of artificial odor receptors. These could then be used to sniff out explosives. A chip based on the structure of the mouse brain has been developed by Nigerian scientist Oshiorenoya Agabi. It has the ability to perceive the specific smell of different explosives.
Definition from Wikipedia:
„Digital scent technology (or olfactory technology) is the engineering discipline dealing with olfactory representation. It is a technology to sense, transmit and receive scent-enabled digital media (such as web pages, video games, movies and music). This sensing part of this technology works by using olfactometers and electronic noses."
Natural aroma compounds are the focus of this scientific field, and attempts are being made to produce them artificially by reproducing the natural molecular structures.
Smell player: The Harvard professor David A. Edwards, who is also director of the experimental design center Le Laboratoire, has developed an app-controlled device that emits predefined odor notes at the touch of a button. With Cyrano, a “digital smell speaker,”
different scents can also be assigned to certain music titles in a playlist, for example.
Another idea was a smart phone that would make it possible to even "send" odors.
4 / 4 Digital Tasting
Smelling and tasting are closely related in terms of perception. The same receptors are used to some extent. How can we give our sense of taste a digital boost?
At the National University of Singapore, Nimesha Ranasinghe's team worked on a device that digitally generates flavors. It is a unique technology to enable digital simulation of flavors.
Using electrical and thermal stimulation methodologies on the human tongue, The Digital Flavor Interface - a digital control system - stimulates taste and smell (using a controlled scent emitting mechanism) senses simultaneously. It is simulating many different virtual flavors which should be one of the most interesting instruments of the human digital future, which may be utilized in interactive computer systems for rendering virtual flavors.
4 / 5 Digital Sensing
This is a field that has been researched quiet little.
Humans are able to sense things in two kind of ways: One is by haptic perception which contains all those stimuli which we can actively experience with our sense of touch.he other on is tactile perception that describes passive stimulus effects on our sense.
Haptic designs allow a very intense and intuitive user experience, because the tactile stimulus has a much more immediate effect than a visual one.
For example if we touch a touchscreen and receive a small vibration as confirmation, we notice immediately that our intervention was successful. This experience becomes even more interesting when also other areas of the human body or multiple senses are included.
5 Physical and mental challenges
Digitalization promises many developments that can make our lives more comfortable in the future or create new never known ways and possibilities. On the other hand this increasing engagement with digital world is a great challenge for body and mind that should not be underrated.
While we have to process and adapt more and more information and processes even faster and faster - already the sensory stimuli that assail us have increased as a result of digital technologies. It can be the source of great experiences and also great negative challenges like new diseases and so on…
Digital stress for example leads to physical complaints such as insomnia, depression, anxiety or even burn out. Socially also many challenges and adjustments are going to be part of a new digital future: Even nowadays employees are afraid of being replaced by a machine or not being able to keep up with all these new technologies.
Including the handling but also developing and maintaining a critical eye and healthy mind set at new digital technologies, trends and so on in my opinion digital education is therefore a huge necessity! Private informations, your own feelings, how to own them how to save them and how to create a stable and healthy „self“.
In other words it is important to find out how the digital world must be designed in order to offer us value and benefits, taking into account the numerous challenges that occur with the process.
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