
@ゴリラ客「 家ではリンスインシャンプーを使っています 」
スタッフ「 いやぁ、リンスインシャンプーは、良くないんですよねぇ… 」
こんなときに、サラッと心を掴むトークができるとお客様をリピーター、ファンにします。特に美容室って、はじめましてのお客様は「 初回クーポン 」つまり、価格が安いからという理由で利用する場合が多いわけです。そんなタイミングで心を掴むトークがサラッとできると、価格ではなく、あなたが理由で選ばれる確率がグンっとあがります。
ただし、勘違いには気づいてください。心を掴むには、再現性あるトークがあるのではありません。再現性ある「 思考術 」があるんです。ので、いくらトーク(フレーズ、言い回し)を覚えたとて、心を掴むことはできません。
心を掴む思考術は「 ゴールデンルール 」と「 2つの©ツ神構文 」をマスターするだけです。あ、で、最も大事なのは「 相手の役に立つ 」というそのスタンスです。このスタンスになれない人は諦めてください!
内向型コンサルタントスキルの最高峰 心を掴む思考術
で、読んだだけでは再現できません。実践の繰り返して「 できない自分 」をメタ認知し続けてください。で、実践してわからない場合は、私のフィードバックを受けまくってください。朝活なら無料です。し、個別レッスンでも朝の時間帯なら超~特別価格です。
You're asking for a way to respond to a customer in a hair salon who says they use 2-in-1 shampoo at home, in a way that builds rapport and encourages them to become a repeat customer. The key is to avoid simply criticizing their choice and instead focus on being helpful and understanding.
Here's a breakdown of effective strategies and example English phrases:
Core Principles:
Affirmation (肯定): Start by acknowledging and validating their choice. This avoids making them feel judged.
Clarifying Questions (質問で深掘り): Ask questions to understand their needs and preferences. This shows you're interested in them as an individual.
Information & Suggestions (情報提供と提案): Offer helpful information and tailored suggestions based on their answers. This positions you as an expert and builds trust.
Empathy (共感): Show understanding and connect with their feelings. This creates a positive connection.
Example Conversation Starters and Follow-ups:
Customer: "I use 2-in-1 shampoo at home."
Here are several ways a stylist could respond, focusing on the core principles:
Option 1: Focusing on Convenience:
Stylist: "Oh, I see! 2-in-1 shampoos are definitely convenient, especially with a busy lifestyle. What kind of results are you usually looking for with your hair care?"
Follow-up (depending on their answer):
If they say "smoothness": "I understand. While 2-in-1s can be quick, sometimes a separate conditioner can provide more targeted moisture. We have some great deep conditioning treatments here that could really boost smoothness and shine."
If they say "volume": "I see. Sometimes 2-in-1s can weigh the hair down a bit. We have some volumizing shampoos and styling products that could help you achieve more lift."
Option 2: Highlighting Salon Treatments:
Stylist: "That's great! Many people find 2-in-1s practical. We also offer some quick and effective treatments here that can enhance the results you get from any shampoo, even 2-in-1s. Would you be interested in hearing about those?"
Follow-up: Explain the benefits of specific treatments, such as deep conditioning, scalp treatments, or color-protecting treatments.
Option 3: Gently Suggesting an Alternative:
Stylist: "I understand. They're very convenient. Have you ever considered trying a separate shampoo and conditioner? You might be surprised at the difference it can make in the overall health and appearance of your hair."
Follow-up: Explain the benefits of using separate products, such as better cleansing, more targeted conditioning, and improved manageability. Offer to recommend specific products based on their hair type and concerns.
Option 4: Focusing on Scalp Health:
Stylist: "I understand. 2-in-1 products are popular for their convenience. However, sometimes they can leave residue on the scalp. How does your scalp usually feel – dry, oily, or balanced?"
Follow-up: Based on their answer, you can suggest specialized shampoos or scalp treatments that address their specific needs.
Key Takeaways (重要なポイント):
Don't criticize: Avoid saying anything negative about 2-in-1 shampoos directly.
Be helpful: Focus on providing value and addressing their needs.
Show empathy: Connect with their feelings and understand their perspective.
Tailor your response: Adapt your approach based on their individual answers and preferences.
Focus on long-term benefits: Position salon services and professional products as investments in the long-term health and beauty of their hair.
By using these strategies, you can turn a simple conversation about shampoo into an opportunity to build rapport, establish trust, and create a loyal customer. Remember, it's not about memorizing specific phrases, but understanding the underlying principles of helpful and empathetic communication.