
心を掴む話術マジックの種明かし! 理髪店主が10倍しゃべり続けたその秘密


来年3月、長男は中学校を、長女は小学校を卒業します。に合わせて、久し振りに髪型を変えようかと企画中です(おっさんの髪型の話、どーでもいい件)。今の時代お団子ヘア(マンバン)なんて、ま、普通なんです。が、卒業式ってな場面だと嫌な顔する人もいるんでね…。子どもたちにとっても、悪目立ちしない父親で参加しようと思っています。スーツも全部捨てたんで、この機会に新調します。そ、目指すは「 あなたのパパってシュッとしてるなプロジェクト 」です。

店主「 今、0mmで刈り上げてるんでね。今からどんな髪型にしたいか決めといた方が良いですよ。 」



「 先週、静岡県愛知県に車中泊一人旅に行ってきました 」というと「 ハスラーで、身体を曲げずに寝られるんですか? 」と、車の話に展開していったことがキッカケとなりました。

店主、納車1年半待ちで、超~人気車種「 ジムニーシエラ@スズキ 」を今春に手に入れたんだ、と言います。そこからです。その饒舌が止まりません。


どの程度かと言うと、私が「 何色ですか? 」「 どんな改良したんですか? 」「 トータル金額どーなったんですか? 」と経営者転がしトークをする度に








これを自分で言語化し、メタ認知とマインドフルネスを働かせて実行し続けること、です。すると、明らかに「 相手の反応 」が変わっていきます。明らかに、です。これまで「 無意識で 」できちゃってた人もいるかもしれません。それはスキルと言いません。天然、もしくは偶然と言います。これを人工的に意識してやってみてください。再現する、と言います。変わります。相手もあなたの意識も。

もう、秘訣、コツが分かったと思います。今日から実践してみてください。とにかく、相手を主役にしゃべり続けると「 結果的に 」相手はあなたに好意を抱いていきます。当初、今回の話題の主役は「 私の卒業式の髪型相談 」「 私の先週の静岡県愛知県、車中泊一人旅 」でした。が…です。

マジックって種を明かされると「 なんだ、そんなことかぁ… 」と、なります。が、いざ、そのマジックを自分が鮮やかに演じることができるかというと…。もちろんできません。技は(1)意識して(2)実践することで磨かれます。


Let's break down the text and create a draft translation

Understanding the main points:

  • The author had a long conversation with their barber about his new Jimny Sierra.

  • The barber was unusually talkative and passionate about the car.

  • The author realized that the barber's ability to engage in deep conversation was the key to building relationships.

  • The author concludes that the secret to effective communication is focusing on the other person and making them feel heard.

Draft Translation:

"The Secret to Great Conversation: A Barber's Tale"

I've been going to the same barber for about two years now. Recently, he's been more talkative than ever. I've been wondering what his secret is.

It turns out, he recently got a new Jimny Sierra, a very popular car in Japan. As soon as I mentioned my upcoming trip, he couldn't stop talking about his new vehicle. He talked about the modifications he'd made, the long wait for delivery, and everything in between.

I realized that the key to his ability to connect with people was his genuine interest in others. When he talked about his car, his eyes lit up, and he seemed completely engaged in the conversation. It was like a magic trick; he had a way of making people feel like they were the most important person in the room.

So, what's the secret to great conversation? It's simple: make the other person the center of attention. When you show genuine interest in what someone has to say, they're more likely to open up and connect with you. It's a skill that can be learned and practiced.

By focusing on the other person and making them feel heard, you can build stronger relationships and create more meaningful connections. So the next time you're having a conversation, try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and ask them questions about their life. You might be surprised at how much you learn.

Key points to remember in the translation:

  • Tone: The original text is casual and conversational. The translation should maintain this tone.

  • Cultural references: Terms like "Jimny Sierra" might need a brief explanation for a non-Japanese audience.

  • Focus on the core message: The main point is that genuine interest in others is the key to great conversation.

Possible translation title:

  • "The Magic of Conversation: Lessons from a Barber"

  • "The Art of Making People Feel Heard"

Would you like me to focus on any specific part of the text or provide additional translation options?

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Cultural nuances: Some Japanese cultural references might need to be adjusted to be more universally understandable.

  • Figurative language: The text uses some vivid imagery and metaphors, which should be translated in a way that preserves the original meaning.
