



朝から3つの相談を受けました。3人共、全く異なるシチュエーションに悩んでいました。が、結局、3人共「 全く同じトラップ(罠) 」に陥っていました。

「 自分地獄 」です


大事なのは「 相手天国 」です。相手を天国モードに導いてあげましょう。相手天国思考で悩むことが健全に悩めている状態です。一発で正解は出せないにしても、思考の方向性が合っているので相手との関係性が良くなり続けます。




このアホみたいに当たり前のことを理解している人は、本当にいません。ので、常に「 自分だけのことを考えて、自分の方法について悩んでしまっている 」わけです。これが自分地獄です。



Giver とは 叶える人


コミュニケーションに悩んでいるという多くの人は「 自分地獄 」に悩んでいます。主語が自分です。相手の主語が置いてけぼりになっています。



相手天国②|「 Giver=叶える人 」に徹し、特定の人に偏ることなく参加者全員を叶える

相手天国①|「 心配しないで 」と不安ドロボーしない「 大丈夫 」の押し売りしない


自分地獄❸の彼は、30分の個別相談の後「 部署異動してから数ヶ月、ずーっと肩の力が入っていました。それが、ふっと楽になりました 」と感想を述べられました。部署異動したばかりの彼の心の叫びは「 (教育する立場やのに)知識が無いことがバレるのが嫌だ!恥ずかしい! 」です。彼の心の叫びを読み取り、相手天国モードで接し続けると30分後には「 肩の力が抜けて楽になりました 」となるわけです。教え方を教えたとて、心の叫びが解消されることはありません。




内向型コンサルタントスキルの最高峰 心を掴む思考術


初体験!海外旅行をネット予約するって、実は初体験でした。ってか、めっちゃ緊張するやん…。なんちゅーか不安先行型タイプやから、なかなか前に進まへんねんな…。ってことで、3月、長男と初めての海外旅行@トルコが確定しました。中学校の卒業式当日に出国して、入試の合格発表前日に帰国するという、短期間の強行日程になっちゃった。長男の今後の人生にポジティブな影響を与える機会になることを密かに願い、長男の小学校からの夢「 海外を見てみたい(日本以外の国を見てみたい) 」を父親として叶えられることが、とても嬉しいことだったりします。一気に何十万円ってお金がクレジットされたけど、長男と2人の旅行はプライスレス!ということで😁 これも、会社員を辞めて離婚して、自分の思考を束縛から解放してきたからできた決断です!



(Title: Communication Techniques to Escape "Self-Hell": A New Perspective as a Giver)

I've booked a trip to Turkey in March!

I realized that some people don't notice they're losing others' trust! This morning, I received three consultations. Each person was troubled by a completely different situation. However, all three were ultimately caught in the exact same trap: "Self-Hell."

They were constantly focused on themselves. As long as they're struggling in this "Self-Hell," they won't find beautiful solutions.

What's important is "Other's Heaven." Let's guide others to a "heavenly" state. Worrying with an "Other's Heaven" mindset is healthy worrying. Even if you don't find the perfect answer immediately, because your thinking is headed in the right direction, your relationships with others will continue to improve.

So, I'll share the "Self-Hell" consultations I received today:

  • Self-Hell 1: I'm scheduled to participate in a 7-person exchange of opinions. I'm worried that one person will dominate the conversation.

  • Self-Hell 2: Someone participating in a seminar for the first time is worried about keeping up. As an instructor, what kind of response should I give?

  • Self-Hell 3: I've been transferred to a new department and am now in a position to train others. I'm worried about how to teach them.

Communication Involves Another Person

Surprisingly few people understand this incredibly obvious fact. Therefore, they are constantly "thinking only about themselves and worrying about their own methods." This is "Self-Hell."

If you want to fulfill your own wishes, fulfill the wishes of others.

"Giver" is translated as "one who gives." Please rewrite this translation.

Giver = One who fulfills.

Fulfill the worries of others. Fulfill the wishes of others. Give first. Listen to the heartfelt cries of others' worries. Listen to the heartfelt cries of what others desire. And then, fulfill them. Put your "Self-Hell" aside for a moment and guide others to a "heavenly" state.

Many people who are struggling with communication are struggling with "Self-Hell." The subject is themselves. The subject of the other person is left behind.

Q: What is the other person's heartfelt cry?

Unless you make the subject the other person and their heartfelt cry, you will only deliver superficial solutions. This is so-called superficial communication. Therefore, your relationship of trust with the other person will not change.

  • Self-Hell 1: I'm scheduled to participate in a 7-person exchange of opinions. I'm worried that one person will dominate the conversation.

    • Other's Heaven 1: Even as a fellow participant, I will be the best facilitator this time.

    • Other's Heaven 2: I will be a "Giver = One who fulfills" and fulfill everyone's needs without favoring a specific person.

    • Other's Heaven 3: As a result, I will receive the highest praise and compliments.

  • Self-Hell 2: Someone participating in a seminar for the first time is worried about keeping up. As an instructor, what kind of response should I give?

    • Other's Heaven 1: I won't steal their anxiety by saying "Don't worry" or force "It's okay."

    • Other's Heaven 2: I will verbalize the other person's anxious and nervous feelings.

    • Other's Heaven 3: I will gently offer small steps (support) so that the other person can climb them on their own.

  • Self-Hell 3: I've been transferred to a new department and am now in a position to train others. I'm worried about how to teach them.

    • Other's Heaven 1: I won't try to deceive them with superficial knowledge to cover up my lack of experience (they'll notice).

    • Other's Heaven 2: I will verbalize what made me happy or angry when I was in the opposite position.

    • Other's Heaven 3: I will focus on what I can do with my current abilities to help the other person and listen to all their requests.

The person from "Self-Hell 3" said after a 30-minute individual consultation, "For the past few months since my transfer, I've been constantly tense. I feel much more relaxed now." His heartfelt cry just after the transfer was, "I don't want them to find out I don't have the knowledge (to be in a training position)! It's embarrassing!" By understanding his heartfelt cry and continuing to interact with him in "Other's Heaven" mode, after 30 minutes he said, "I feel much more relaxed." Even if I had taught him how to teach, his heartfelt cry would not have been resolved.

The trap is always "Self-Hell." And we often don't realize that we're stuck in an infinite loop of "Self-Hell." That's why metacognition is important. Because we often can't notice it ourselves, let's consult someone with high metacognitive abilities and have them forcibly break the trap.

If you want to train your own metacognitive abilities even a little, please read the following two books in succession. Please understand the structure of how we fall into "Self-Hell." This is most important for training metacognition. Please read them 10 times!

  • Book 1 for Training Metacognition to Escape Self-Hell: Introverted Communication Otaku's Stress-Free Dialogue Skills

  • Book 2 for Training Metacognition to Escape Self-Hell: The Pinnacle of Introverted Consultant Skills: The Art of Capturing Hearts

If you want to organize what you're struggling with in the first place, please apply here (limited first-time price).

P.S. This was my first time! Booking an overseas trip online was actually my first time. I was so nervous... I'm the type who gets anxious first, so it's hard for me to move forward... So, my first overseas trip to Turkey with my eldest son in March is now confirmed. We'll be leaving on the day of his junior high school graduation and returning the day before his high school entrance exam results are announced, so it's a short but intense trip. I secretly hope it will be an opportunity that will positively impact my son's future, and as a father, I'm very happy to be able to fulfill my son's dream since elementary school: "I want to see the world (I want to see countries other than Japan)." Even though several hundred thousand yen were charged to my credit card at once, a trip with just my eldest son is priceless! This is a decision I was able to make because I quit my company, got divorced, and freed my thinking from constraints!
