
" 誰でもできる "は嘘!経営者が知るべきファシリテーションの真実 - 適材適所の重要性




勘違いあるある❶ ファシリテーション = 司会


これ、文脈を正しく書き直すことが大事です。違いを説明するときに「 すること 」を説明してはいけません。違いを説明するときには「 責任 」を考えてください。

例えば、部長と課長の違いは?「 すること 」で考えるのではありません。「 責任 」で考えてください。

司会の責任は「 目次通り、時間通りに進行すること 」です。
ファシリの責任は「 目的に導くこと 」です。

「 責任 」を果たしたら、評価されます。責任で考えると、その職種の仕事がより分かりやすくなっていきます。

勘違いあるある❷ ファシリテーションは誰でもできる


ファシリテーションって、ビジネスコミュニケーションの中で「 最も難しいスキル 」というのが、私の個人的評価です。マジ、一番、難易度が高いです。司会は誰でもできます。が、ファシリテーションは誰でもできません。上述した様に、そもそも「 責任 」が異なります。つまり、必要なスキルが異なります。

司会のスキル「 決められた台本を読む 」
ファシリのスキル「 全ビジネスコミュニケーションのハイアベレージ(平均80点的な) 」

で、私の経験的な結論は、ファシリって「 向き、不向き 」です。

向いていない人は「 おしゃべりさん 」です。とにかく「 自分の意見を言いたい人 」です。マウンティング気質の人も向いていません。

向いている人は「 他人の顔色を見て育ってきた人 」です。

勘違いあるある❸ ファシリテーションは、持ち回り制

ファシリは誰にでもできません。それ以前に「 向き、不向き 」があります。ので、会社でよく見かける「 ファシリの持ち回り制 」は、そもそもファシリを理解していないトップ、経営者や上司の知識不足です。いわゆる適材適所をするにも、ファシリに必要な能力、スキルを知らないとできません。知らないが故に起きている「 事故 」が全国で多発しています。

全国各地でファシリテーションに悩まされているビジネスパーソンが溢れています。 「 向き、不向き 」であるにも関わらず「 自分はファシリテーションが苦手。でも、ファシリテーションができないのは自分の能力が低いからだ… 」と自分を責めていたりします。

会社によっては、管理職の仕事のひとつ(評価制度の項目に)「 ファシリテーションができる 」と明示されている場合があります。「 向き、不向き 」です。ので、その人にとって、その会社で管理職を続けることは苦痛になっていきます。

だから、ファシリテーションってのは「 経営者こそ 」学んで欲しいスキルです。ほとんどの場合、経営者本人は向いていません。が「 向き、不向き 」「 どんな才能、どんなスキルが必要か? 」ってことを、経営者こそ知っておいて欲しいんです。社員さん苦しんでいますよ!




あなたを苦しめているのは「 初心者でも簡単! 」「 誰でもできる! 」という、世の中に溢れる「 嘘の 」キャッチコピーです。何千回もファシリを実施し、何十人のコンサル仲間やクラアント先で「 グズグズの 」ファシリテーターを見てきた私が断言します。「 初心者で簡単にできたとすれば、それは、元々その人は向いている側の人だった 」んです。し「 誰にでもできた!とすれば、それはファシリではなく、司会 」です。

あ、安心してください。ファシリって「 誰にでもできる準備部分 」があるんです。向き、不向きに関係なくできる準備があります。その部分を知るだけでも、かなり苦痛を和らげることができますからね。

やっぱ、経営者、上司こそ知っておいて欲しいですけどね→ ファシリテーション講座


Let's break down the text and create a draft translation

Understanding the main points:

  • Facilitation is not the same as hosting: The author emphasizes the difference between facilitation (guiding a group towards a goal) and hosting (following a script).

  • Facilitation is not for everyone: It requires a specific set of skills and qualities that not everyone possesses.

  • The importance of understanding facilitation for managers: Managers need to understand the nuances of facilitation to assign tasks effectively and avoid putting employees in uncomfortable situations.

Draft Translation:

"The Myth of 'Anyone Can Facilitate': The Truth About Facilitation That Every Manager Should Know"

I recently received a request for a facilitation workshop. The participant will be facilitating meetings next week and the week after, so the workshop will be held tomorrow.

People tend to act when they're in pain (like going to the dentist with a toothache). The person who requested this workshop must be experiencing some kind of pain. But don't worry, you're in good hands!

Since this is a great opportunity, let's debunk some common misconceptions about facilitation.

Misconception #1: Facilitation is the same as hosting.
This is the most common misconception. Facilitation is not hosting.

It's important to understand the difference in terms of "responsibility," not just "tasks." For example, what's the difference between a department manager and a section chief? It's not about "tasks," but about "responsibilities."
A host's responsibility is to "follow the script and keep to the schedule."
A facilitator's responsibility is to "guide the group towards a goal."
You're evaluated based on your "responsibilities." Understanding responsibilities makes it easier to understand the role.

Misconception #2: Anyone can facilitate.
No, they can't.
In my opinion, facilitation is the most difficult skill in business communication. It's really the hardest. Anyone can host, but not everyone can facilitate. As mentioned above, their "responsibilities" are different, which means the required skills are different.
Hosting skills: "Reading a prepared script."
Facilitation skills: "Having an all-around high level of business communication skills (like scoring an average of 80 on everything)."
Based on my experience, facilitation is a matter of "aptitude."
People who aren't suited for facilitation are often "talkative." They always want to "express their own opinions." People with a tendency to dominate others are also not suitable.
People who are suited for facilitation are those who have "grown up watching other people's faces."

Misconception #3: Facilitation should be rotated among team members.
Not everyone can facilitate. And there's the matter of "aptitude." So, the common practice of "rotating facilitation" in companies is actually a sign that the management, including the top executives and supervisors, don't understand facilitation. This is a lack of understanding of "the right person for the right job." This kind of "accident" is happening all over the country.
There are countless business people across the country struggling with facilitation. They may feel that they are "poor at facilitation" and blame themselves for their lack of ability.
Some companies even list "ability to facilitate" as a requirement for management positions. Since it's a matter of "aptitude," it can be painful for someone to continue in a managerial position in such a company.
That's why I think "managers" should learn about facilitation. In most cases, managers themselves are not suited for it. But they should know about "aptitude" and "the necessary skills." Employees are suffering!
Even in the TV industry, there are many news anchors who act as hosts. But the MCs (facilitators) are always the same few comedians. Out of so many comedians, only a few are actually suited for facilitation. It's a matter of aptitude.

However, if you're struggling with facilitation, come learn what you should be worrying about.
If you have to facilitate, for example, in regular meetings, project progress reports, or workshops, and you get a stomachache three days in advance or can't sleep the night before, please come see me.
What's causing you pain is the "lie" that is prevalent in the world: "It's easy for beginners!" and "Anyone can do it!" I have conducted thousands of facilitations and seen countless "messy" facilitators among my consulting colleagues and clients. I can say with certainty that "if a beginner found it easy, it means that they were naturally suited for it." And "if anyone can do it, then it's hosting, not facilitation."
But don't worry. There are parts of facilitation that "anyone can do." There are preparations that can be done regardless of aptitude. Just knowing about that part can alleviate a lot of your pain.
Still, I wish managers would learn about facilitation.

Note: This translation aims to capture the main points of the original text while maintaining a similar tone. Some cultural nuances and specific examples might be adapted to suit a different audience.
