対面式講座で心を掴む|一流の内向型講師の「 必須アイテム 」とは?
対面式でプレゼンや講座をやっているコンサルや講師は、100%クリッカーを買ってください。ってか必須アイテムです。クリッカー無しの講演なんて考えられへん…。私、会社員時代にも「 マイクリッカー 」を買ってましたからね。
一流講師と三流講師の違いは「 クリッカー 」の有無、それだけです。
なんです。スライド操作するため物理的に「 PCの前に立って 」で「 PC画面(キーボード)を見て 」しゃべることになります。
本来見なければならないのは「 受講生 」と「 スクリーン 」です。受講生の表情(リアクション)を観察しつつ、スクリーンを指差ししつつ、です。優秀な講師がクリッカーを使っているのは、常に受講生の表情変化を見逃さないためです。
新米講師や三流講師は、PC画面やPC周辺に「 メモ 」を置いていたりします。ので、PC前から離れることができない!と主張する人も多いです。
週末、5年振りの出張で、対面式で講師をやってきたわけですが…。いやぁ…いやぁ…やっぱ、出張って「 異常行動 」ですね😁
異常じゃね?移動が8時間で、講師としての仕事の時間は1.5時間ですよ!!!トータル約10時間を要しているわけですね。いやぁ…コロナ前は、こんな「 移動生活 」をずーっとやっていたわけです。いやぁ…ようやってたなぁ…。
片道4時間の移動です。で、初めての企業先で初めての土地です。企業研修の一番のリスクは「 講師の遅刻 」です。私自身が商品です。ので「 私が遅れる=研修が不成立 」です。いかな事情であれクレーム案件になります。Zoom研修(オンライン)との違いはこのリスクです。私の住んでいる近江八幡市@滋賀県は田舎です。ので、そこから出張するとなると、そもそも時間を要します。し、特に今回は初めての企業ということもあって、待ち合わせ時間の1時間前に到着できるように移動しました。これはもう、プロ意識と繊細な性格のダブルチェックですね。ので、実質片道5時間(移動4時間+保険1時間)です。※こんな移動生活を年間200日×10年以上、常にリスクとの背中合わせをやっていたことが、やっぱ「 異常 」です
私、対面式の講演が得意です。オンラインの5倍は無双します。いやぁ…5年振りの対面式とは言え、やっぱ@ゴリラ無双しましたね…。内向型の能力は「 他人の顔色を伺うこと 」「 空気を読むこと 」です。これが、対面式によって5倍化されるんです。受講生の表情変化、その会場の空気を掌握することで、完全に@ゴリラ無双モードになります。
「 内向型は人前に立って話すことは苦手 」的な常套句があります。が、私の辞書にその文章は刻まれていません。「 内向型こそ向いている 」と書かれています。それは、内向型の能力の自覚と使い方次第です。
私は、日常の@ゴリラと仕事モードの@ゴリラと、完全に二重人格です。日常の@ゴリラは、内向型の暗~い側面で生きています。そーっとしておいて欲しいんです。が、仕事モードの@ゴリラは、内向型の能力を自覚して、その能力を解放しています。相手の課題解決のために能力を解放します。普段大人しい俳優が、舞台に立ったら躍動するイメージです。ので、私の講演を見た人は、私が「 シャイ、人見知り、内向型 」と自己紹介したところで信じる人はいません。
いずれにしても言いたのは、内向型の人は、対面式ほどよりその能力を解放できるでってことです。できない理由があるとすれば、それは「 自分の能力を自覚しない 」と自分で決めちゃっているからです。
で「 受講生がしゃべる機会を増やせば良い 」と表面だけ理解して真似しちゃう人が陥る罠が「 ワークと発表 」です。ずーっとワークと発表をすれば良いってもんじゃありません。一番大事なのは「 やりとり 」です。発表は何のためにさせるかというと「 相手の理解度(レベル感)を知るため 」です。講師のためです。その発表の質によって、その後の講座の質をコントロールするためです。「 だから 」講座満足度が最大化されていくわけです。で、この観察力と臨機応変なアドリブ適応力も、内向型の繊細な情報キャッチ力とおもてなし力があればこそです。自分の能力に気づき解放してあげれば、十分できます。もちろん、実践回数も必要です。が、そもそも自分の才能を信じるか信じないかは、あなた次第です。
@ゴリラ無双したけど、あの伏線回収型シナリオの深みを理解できる人(評価できる人)がおらんのが淋しい。コンサル時代は、同僚から「 なんで、あんなこと考えられるの? 」と同じプロだからこそ、その凄みを分かってくれたんやけどなぁ…。
今回の90分の講座で、私の自己紹介が始まったのが30分経過してからです。もちろん予定通りのシナリオです。自己紹介ってのは、自己紹介するのが目的ではありません。講座の内容をさらに魅力的にするためのひとつの「 章(素材) 」です。その「 章 」を、どのタイミングで、どんな内容で登場させると、講座内容がさらに魅力的になるか?をシナリオに組み込むわけです。99.9%の講師はシナリオ発想がないので、講座の冒頭で自己紹介をします。
マジで言っておくけど「 あんたの自己紹介に興味関心ある受講生は0人説 」です。受講生にとって、あなたの自己紹介は何のメリットもありません!そんな価値が無いものに研修時間90分のうち、5分も10分も使う講師ばかりです!罪やでしかし!
内向型コンサルタントスキルの最高峰 心を掴む思考術
対面式講座で心を掴む|一流の内向型講師の「必須アイテム」とは? を簡単な英語に翻訳
Catching Hearts in In-Person Workshops: What's the "Essential Item" for Top-Notch Introverted Instructors?
The essential tool for in-person workshops is a clicker (a palm-sized device to control slides). If you're a consultant or instructor giving presentations or workshops in person, you absolutely need to buy a clicker. It's a must-have. I can't even imagine giving a lecture without one. I even bought my own clicker when I was a company employee.
The difference between a top-notch instructor and a mediocre one is simply the presence (or absence) of a clicker. Instructors who don't use a clicker:
Stand in front of the PC the whole time.
Keep their eyes on the PC.
They physically have to "stand in front of the PC" and "look at the PC screen (keyboard)" to operate the slides.
On the other hand, with a clicker, I:
Stand in front of the participants (in front of the screen).
Keep my eyes on the participants.
Because I don't need to stand in front of the PC, I can move around freely. Since I operate the slides with the clicker in my hand instead of the PC keyboard, my eyes are always on the participants' faces.
You should be looking at the "participants" and the "screen." You need to observe the participants' expressions (reactions) while pointing at the screen. Excellent instructors use clickers to never miss changes in the participants' expressions.
New and mediocre instructors often have "notes" on the PC screen or around the PC. So, many argue that they can't leave the PC! (That's why they're not good!)
As long as you're focused on how well you're speaking, you'll remain a mediocre instructor. You might improve as a mediocre instructor, but you'll never become top-notch, no matter how many times you repeat it. To become a top-notch instructor (one who gets repeat requests), get a clicker. Once you can leave the PC, stop relying on notes, observe the participants' expressions, and proceed while interacting with them, you'll finally be at the starting line of a top-notch instructor. Just make getting a clicker your priority. Any cheap clicker that works is fine. Prioritize getting one over quality!
The Horror I Felt at My First In-Person Corporate Training in 5 Years!
The pandemic started in February 2020. At the end of February, then-Prime Minister Abe declared a state of emergency, and from March, we started staying home throughout Japan. Schools were closed all at once. (New students and new employees must have been really worried.)
Before the pandemic, I was traveling for work 200 days a year for over 10 years. I was flying all over, from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
This weekend, I did my first in-person lecture in 5 years... Wow... Traveling for work is "abnormal behavior."
4 hours one way door-to-door (8 hours round trip)
1.5 hours (90 minutes) of training time
Isn't that crazy? 8 hours of travel for 1.5 hours of work! It took about 10 hours in total. I was doing this kind of "traveling life" all the time before the pandemic. I can't believe I did that.
At this first in-person corporate training in 5 years, I still dominated. Here are my thoughts:
It's risky.
Introverts are suited for in-person events (having a dual personality).
Polish your ability to interact with people! For that, you need observation skills and courage (giving lectures in front of the participants with a clicker).
If you're planning to become an in-person corporate training instructor, this information will be useful.
1. It's Risky
It's a 4-hour trip one way. And it's a first visit to a company in a new place. The biggest risk in corporate training is the "instructor being late." I am the product. So, "me being late = the training not happening." It will become a complaint no matter the reason. This is the difference from Zoom (online) training. I live in Omihachiman, Shiga Prefecture, which is in the countryside. So, traveling from there takes time. Especially since this was a first visit, I traveled so I could arrive an hour before the meeting time. This is a double check of professionalism and a sensitive personality. So, it's actually 5 hours one way (4 hours of travel + 1 hour of buffer). Doing this kind of travel 200 days a year for over 10 years, always with the risk, is "abnormal."
2. Introverts Are Suited for In-Person Events (Having a Dual Personality)
I'm good at giving in-person lectures. I'm 5 times better than online. Even though it was my first in-person event in 5 years, I still dominated. Introverts are good at "reading people's faces" and "reading the atmosphere." This is amplified 5 times in person. By grasping the changes in participants' expressions and the atmosphere of the venue, I completely enter my dominating mode.
There's a common saying that "introverts are bad at speaking in public." But that's not in my dictionary. It says, "Introverts are the most suited." It depends on the awareness and usage of introverted abilities.
I have a completely dual personality: my usual self and my work mode. My usual self lives with the dark side of introversion. I want to be left alone. But in work mode, I'm aware of my introverted abilities and unleash them. I unleash them to solve the other person's problems. It's like a normally quiet actor becoming dynamic on stage. So, no one believes me when I introduce myself as "shy, introverted" after seeing my lecture.
The point is that introverts can unleash their abilities more in person. If there's a reason they can't, it's because they've decided they "aren't aware of their own abilities."
3. Polish Your Ability to Interact with People! For That, You Need Observation Skills and Courage
The instructor's job is not to talk. The more fluently an instructor talks, the lower the participant satisfaction. Deep satisfaction changes depending on the balance of opportunities for participants to speak (opportunities to participate in the workshop).
(△) Even if you become a good speaker, participant satisfaction isn't maximized.
(◯) Satisfaction tends to increase with opportunities for participants to speak (opportunities to participate in the workshop).
(◎) Control the quality through interaction with participants.
The worst is an instructor who keeps talking from prepared lines (notes). Just give them a video. There's no point in doing it in person.
And the trap that people fall into when they only superficially understand "increasing opportunities for participants to speak" is "workshops and presentations." It's not just about doing workshops and presentations all the time. The most important thing is "interaction." The purpose of presentations is to "know the other person's level of understanding." It's for the instructor. It's to control the quality of the workshop after that based on the quality of the presentation. "That's why" workshop satisfaction is maximized. And this observation ability and ability to adapt ad-libs on the fly are only possible with the delicate information-catching ability and hospitality of introverts. If you realize your abilities and unleash them, you can do it. Of course, you need practice. But whether you believe in your own talent or not is up to you.
Presentations Are 90% About the Scenario
I dominated, but it's sad that there's no one who understands (can appreciate) the depth of that story with its plot twists. When I was a consultant, my colleagues, being professionals themselves, understood the awesomeness and asked, "How can you think of such things?"
In this 90-minute workshop, my self-introduction started 30 minutes in. Of course, it was according to the planned scenario. The purpose of a self-introduction isn't to introduce yourself. It's a "chapter (material)" to make the content of the workshop more attractive. You incorporate into the scenario at what timing and with what content that "chapter" should appear to make the workshop content more attractive. 99.9% of instructors don't have this scenario thinking, so they introduce themselves at the beginning of the workshop.
I'm serious when I say, "No participant is interested in your self-introduction." Your self-introduction has no benefit for the participants! Yet, many instructors use 5 or 10 minutes of the 90-minute training time for something that has no value! It's a sin!
While they're doing the "purpose and table of contents of the workshop" and the "instructor's self-introduction" at the beginning of the workshop, the participants' hearts are drifting away.
Workshops are about grabbing the participants' hearts from the first second. There's no time to be careless.
Oh, if you don't have