で、相変わらず著書「 ロジカル質問術 」が読まれ続けています。下記画像をご確認ください。今年1月に出版してからの毎月の「 読まれているページ数 」です。1月が発売開始月です。で、6月がその1月に迫る勢いで読まれています。
うーん、やっぱり「 質問力(術) 」が、今の興味関心ワードなんでしょうかね…。ってことで、今回は「 質問力 」に関して、著書「 ロジカル質問術 」にも書いていない未公開なことをお伝えしていきます。
えっと「 片想い 」ってしたことありますか?
です。ご自身の時間配分を「 書き出して 」ください。❶時間配分を書き出して❷時間配分を書き変えること、が一流へのQ:頭一つ抜ける本物の質問力を身に付けるマインドとは?第一歩です。「 認知できたことは 」改善できます。質問内容に悩む前に、時間の使い方が間違っています。
あなたが「 片想い 」している相手と初デートをしたときあなたは、相手のことを「 もっと 」知りたくって色々質問したくなりませんか?モテる人は、いつもそーしています。モテない人は自分のことをベラベラしゃべり続けます。
ブログ冒頭の質問「 Q:頭一つ抜ける本物の質問力を身に付けるマインドとは? 」に対する、結論アンサーです。私は、対面している相手(受講者、相談者)に
質問が溢れて止まりません ( ~_~; )
あれも、これも聞きたくって仕方ありません。特に、相手が同志の内向型で自分の才能を自覚していない思考の奴隷の場合です。特に、相手がコンサルタントの後輩やこれからコンサルタントを目指して勉強している場合です。そんな相手には質問が溢れて止まりません。「 What for ? 」「 Why? 」「 何に悩んでいる? 」「 どんな状況に困っている? 」「 で、どーなりたい? 」「 どんな会社? 」「 どんな上司? 」「 同僚の評価は? 」「 自己評価は? 」「 で? 」「 で? 」「 ででで??? 」質問が溢れて止まりません。
ので、本当は20分~30分どころか、50分も60分も質問をしていたいんです。が「 それは求められていないので 」、途中で質問を切り上げて講座を始めます。個別相談の場合は、質問しながらアドバイスを折込みます。
あなたには質問力が無いのではありません。無いのは、相手への興味関心です。「 どんな質問をしたら良いのか分からない 」というのは「 相手に興味関心がありません 」「 自分のことしか興味関心がありません 」と言っているのと同義語です。
私は「 初めまして 」の受講生の態度が悪かった場合、質問時間はめちゃ短くなります😁。相手への興味関心が一気に削がれるからです。相手を助けてあげたい、相手の悩みを軽くしてあげたい、という感情が削がれるからです。( あ、単純に面倒くさい相手やな、と思っています )@ゴリラを上手に活用するには、@ゴリラが「 お互いをRespect 」「 win↔win 」の関係性を大事にしていることを知っておくことです。
で、宣伝するけど「 Q:どんな質問をしたらいいか分かりません… 」って悩みへの回答は、全て著者「 ロジカル質問術 」に書いてあります。買えるのは❶考え方❷事例❸私が使っている質問フレーズ集です。めちゃ丁寧に書いてあります。一般書に多い理想論ではなく、私のコンサルティング現場と職場におけるリアルな実学しか書いてありません。ので、生涯実践書として使えます。で、この著書を買っても得られないのは「 相手への興味関心 」という、スタンスです。
好きな相手なら自動でスイッチが入るでしょう。が、ビジネス相手は好きとか嫌いとかの次元ではありません。「 相手に興味関心を寄せるスイッチを自分で入れる 」これが、一流が備えているアプリです。相手にスイッチがあるのではありません。自分にスイッチがあります。
まずは、興味関心スイッチをダウンロードしてください。で、講座や商談が始まる前に、スイッチを入れてください。本当に入れるんです。「 カチっ 」って、音を出すんです。OKですか?伝わっていますか?
【付録】コンサルの私が初見の経営者相手に「 超 」気を付けていた2つの質問のこと
私にとって、初めて会う経営者の「 会社情報 」を調べておくのは常識です。企業HP、店舗HP、採用HP、SNSなど、手元のPCで調べられる限りは調べます。ネット検索すれれば、過去の取材記事とか地域新聞に掲載されていた、なんてことも出てくる場合があります。
ので、調べておけば分かる企業情報は、質問しません。相手からすれば「 企業HPも見てないのか? 」と思われます。私は、会話の流れの中で「 あぁ~、採用HPにも社長の言葉で●●と書かれていましたよね 」と、文脈に組み込みます。つまり( 採用HPの細部まで見ていますよ~ )と、文脈を通じて伝えていきます。で、相手の反応を観察します。だいたいが「 あぁ、よく調べていただいていますね 」という好意的な反応があります。
ので、私は「 相手の従業員よりもHPの内容を理解して、会う 」を、物差しにしていました。ので、殆どの場合「 ウチの社員よりも詳しいですね 」と感心されます。やっていることは簡単なことです。が、誰もしないから、モテます。
デキる経営者ほど「 Qに対してのA 」に敏感です。質問の意図に答えているか?が、めちゃ大事です。これを多くのビジネスパーソンが「 外している 」わけです。
経営者の質問の意図に「 外さない 」ためには、とにかく「 意識100%で相手の話を聞くこと 」です。経営者は、色んな意図を持って質問をしてきます。その上、初見の相手であれば「 この経営者は、どんなキャラか? 」も含めて観察をしなければいけません。
質問は手段です。質問には必ず、その裏に解決したい「 コト 」と「 感情 」があります。特に「 感情 」に、質問の本意、意図が隠れています。そこに気づけないと、相手の質問に「 的外れな 」答えをしてしまいます。洞察力、観察力、そして「 思い切って相手の質問意図にチャレンジする勇気 」が必要です。
これらを、短時間で瞬時に頭の中で整理し、言葉にして返します。もちろんスタンスはRespectでありwin↔winです。その回答が相手の意図を汲んでいた時「 今日、泊まりですか?お食事でもいかがでしょう。 」となります。モテます。
Certainly! Here's a simplified English translation of the text:
Title | [The Essence of Questioning Skills] What's the secret to becoming a top-notch professional? The unpublished side of Logical Questioning Techniques
Q: What mindset is needed to develop true, standout questioning skills?
Please think about it.
As usual, my book "Logical Questioning Techniques" continues to be read. Please see the image below. It shows the number of pages read each month since its publication in January this year. January was the release month, and June is approaching January's numbers with strong momentum.
Why??? And, Thanks!!!
Hmm, perhaps "questioning skills (techniques)" are the current words of interest... So, this time, I will share some unpublished details about "questioning skills" that are not even in my book "Logical Questioning Techniques."
Monthly total page reads from January to June *Excluding e-book downloads and paperbacks
Q: I don't know what questions to ask...
A: No clue!
Have you ever had a crush on someone? Those who have experienced unrequited love may have the potential to become good at asking questions. I'm the type who gets clingy in unrequited love situations. Some might say it's creepy.
Those who have attended my courses or consultations know this. I'm a questioning fiend. The course hardly starts on time. In a 60-minute course, I spend 20 to 30 minutes just asking questions. During individual consultations, there seems to be no end to the questions, and advice seems far off.
Yet, I'm holding back.
Ideally, I'd like to use 60 minutes like this:
--- 50 minutes | Questions 05 minutes | Advice 05 minutes | Q&A ---
This is it. This is what a top professional should be like. Cool, right? Maybe I'll do it this way... Compare it with how you allocate your time. A third-rate salesperson, consultant, or instructor's time allocation looks like this:
--- 05 minutes | Introduction & Questions 55 minutes | Advice & Self-promotion & Courses ---
Please write down your own time allocation. 1. Write it down 2. Change it. That's the first step to becoming a top professional with true questioning skills. "What you recognize" can be improved. Before you worry about the content of your questions, you're using your time wrong.
If you want to be top-notch, be attractive to others!
When you're on a first date with someone you have a crush on, don't you want to ask them all sorts of questions to get to know them "more"? Attractive people do this all the time. Unattractive people just keep talking about themselves.
A: Show interest in the other person
That's the conclusive answer to the question at the beginning of the blog "Q: What mindset is needed to develop true, standout questioning skills?" I can't stop asking questions to the person I'm facing (students, consultees).
I want to ask about everything, especially if the person is an introverted comrade who isn't aware of their own talents and is a slave to their thoughts. Particularly if the person is a junior consultant or someone studying to become one. I can't stop asking them questions. "What for?" "Why?" "What are you struggling with?" "What situation are you having trouble with?" "So, what do you want to become?" "What kind of company?" "What kind of boss?" "What do colleagues think of you?" "What's your self-assessment?" "So?" "So?" "So so so???" I can't stop asking questions.
So, really, I'd like to spend not just 20 to 30 minutes but 50 to 60 minutes asking questions. But "since that's not what's being asked for," I cut the questions short and start the course. In individual consultations, I fold advice into the questioning.
Do you get it?
It's not that you lack questioning skills. What's missing is your interest in the other person. Saying "I don't know what questions to ask" is synonymous with "I'm not interested in the other person" and "I'm only interested in myself."
If a student's attitude is bad when I first meet them, the questioning time becomes very short 😁. Because my interest in them is instantly reduced. The feeling of wanting to help them and lighten their worries is reduced. (Ah, I just think they're a hassle.)
To make good use of @Gorilla, know that @Gorilla values a relationship of "mutual respect" and "win-win."
And to advertise, the answer to the worry "Q: I don't know what questions to ask..." is all written in my book "Logical Questioning Techniques." What you can buy are 1. Concepts 2. Examples 3. A collection of question phrases I use. It's written very carefully. It's not idealistic like many general books, but only contains the real practical knowledge from my consulting field and workplace. So, it can be used as a lifelong practical book. And what you can't get from this book is the "stance of interest in the other person."
If it's someone you like, the switch will turn on automatically. But business relationships aren't about liking or disliking. "Turning on the switch of interest in the other person yourself" is an app that top professionals have. The switch isn't on the other person. It's on you.
First, download the interest switch. Then, before the course or business meeting starts, turn on the switch. Really turn it on. "Click," make the sound. OK? Do you understand?
What's always important is your stance, not your skills. The first question you should throw is at your own stance. The reason why good questioners are attractive is that it's their stance that's attractive. Let's keep it up! Oh!
[Appendix] Two questions that I, as a consultant, was super careful about when meeting a business owner for the first time
--- (1) Don't ask things you could find out with research (2) Don't miss the intent behind the other person's question (super observation skills) ---
(1) Don't ask things you could find out with research
For me, researching a business owner's "company information" before meeting them for the first time is common sense. I research as much as I can on my PC, including the company website, store website, recruitment website, SNS, etc. Sometimes, past interviews and local newspaper articles come up in internet searches.
So, I don't ask about company information that could be found with research. From the other person's perspective, they might think, "Haven't you even looked at our company website?" In the flow of conversation, I say, "Ah, the president's words on the recruitment website said ●●, right?" I convey that I've looked into the details of the recruitment website through the context. And I observe the other person's reaction. Usually, there's a positive response like, "Ah, you've researched well."
So, I used to measure myself by "meeting with a better understanding of the website content than the other person's employees." In most cases, I'm commended for being "more knowledgeable than our employees." What I do is simple. But because no one else does it, I'm attractive.
(2) Don't miss the intent behind the other person's question (super insight)
The more capable the business owner, the more sensitive they are to "Q and A." Whether the answer matches the intent of the question is very important. Many business people "miss" this.
To "not miss" the intent of the business owner's question, you must "listen to the other person's story with 100% focus." Business owners ask questions with various intentions. Plus, if it's the first time meeting someone, you also have to observe "what kind of character is this business owner?"
Are they just asking out of pure curiosity? Are they trying to test your abilities? Are they trying to brand you in front of their employees?
No one wants to ask questions
It's my original quote. Please note it down alongside quotes from great people! Questions are a means. Behind every question, there's always a "thing" and "emotion" that they want to resolve. Especially in "emotions," the true intent and purpose of the question are hidden. If you don't notice that, you'll give an "off-target" answer to the other person's question. Insight, observation skills, and the "courage to boldly challenge the intent behind the other person's question" are necessary.
You organize these in your head in a short time and return them in words. Of course, the stance is Respect and win-win. When your answer captures the other person's intent, it leads to "Are you staying overnight today? How about we go for a meal?" You'll be attractive.
In summary...
(Let's make it blog-like for a change)
Visualize how you use your time! Rewrite it to the correct way of using time! 2. Before the content of the question, show interest in the other person! Download the interest app! [Appendix] 3. Research things you can research beforehand! Read @Gorilla's profile and blog before attending @Gorilla's course! 4. Don't just respond to the other person's question! Focus 100% on the intent behind the other person's question! And dare to challenge it! [Advertisement] 5. Read @Gorilla's book 😁! Logical Questioning Techniques 6. Attend @Gorilla's course 😁! Logical Questioning Techniques [Introductory Experience]
I had more to write, but it got long, so I'll end here. If there are still people