私の著書に出会ってもらったのに…。ふぅ…レビュー「 1(★ひとつ) 」をもらいました。世の中には残念な人がいます。仕方ありません。が、メンタルガラスの心が痛むのよね…。ってことで、朝活で私の愚痴を聞いてもらって少し楽になりました。ありがとうございます。
私のKindle出版の最大の理由は承認欲求です!ので批評されることを望んでいません。が、Kindle出版をするってことは、批評されることもあるよってことは知っておいてください。この辺りの実体験を踏まえ「 40代50代向けにKindle出版を自力で実現する方法 」をまとめようと企画中(妄想中)です。初めての動画コンテンツ化かなぁ…。
方向性としては「 Kindle本で稼げるぜ! 」とか「 生成AIを使って3時間で出版できるぜ! 」的なイケイケ煽り系のとは真逆の「 コツコツ頑張ろう! 」「 達成感を手に入れよう! 」というメンタルヘルシーなテイストにする感じです。草食系美男子!
ので、私の著書は、ほぼほぼ私の実体験に基づいて書いています。いわゆる学術的なこと研究レポート的なことはありません。悪く表現すると、私が経験したこと以外には触れていません。ので、私の経験から疑似体験が想起されない人にとっては「 ★(星ひとつ) 」になるかもしれません。個人の価値観は経験によって形成されますからね。※とはいえ、無記名で低レビューすることは別の話やけどな!ふんっ!
内向型リーダーのモテる仕事術(❸つのスタンス❸❻の考え方❶❼の実践方法)を久し振りに読み返しました。この本スゴイ!「 心を掴む思考術2【実践編】 」と呼べる内容です!いやぁ、自分で読み返してハイライト付けまくりです。マジでリーダー職やリーダーを目指している会社員の方には読んで欲しいです。いわゆる部下の心を掴むのに苦労しているリーダーは、何がダメなのか?どうすれば良いのか?が、現場のリアルな実体験に基づいて書き綴られています。ので、思い通りに動いてくれない、と本気で悩んでいる人のガイドブックになります。
今年は心を掴めるようになりたいぜっ!と願う人は内向型コンサルタントの心を掴む思考術 → 内向型リーダーのモテる仕事術の順番で読んでください。頭の中が繋がって一気に整理されます!
私は、情報をオープンしまくっていました。会社が公認している見せて良い資料は、新入社員であっても、いつでも許可なく見られる環境を整え続けました。整えても、優秀な人は見るし使います。が、残念な人は見ません。そ、情報をオープンにすることで「 さらに 」情報格差が生まれるわけです。こっちの方が、健全ですね。 ※コンプライアンス、守秘義務というのは、異なった論点、教育。
弱みをさらす人ってモテます。難しく言うと「 自己開示 」ですね。そもそも、人間なんて欠陥だらけです。欠陥だらけの人間が、弱みを隠す必要なんてないと思っています。さらす必要はあるのか?ということではありません。隠す必要がないんです。弱みをさらして信頼関係が無くなるってのは、そもそも「 信頼がない 」んです涙。」
ルールが多い組織は、レベルが低い組織です。管理したいリーダーが多い組織です。自立している人が多いほど、ルールは減っていきます。逆に言うと「 ルールを減らすと自立した人を育てる環境 」になります。面白い構造です。 会社内でルールを破るのは、だいたい同じ人たちです。いわゆる、程度の低い人たちです。で、またルールを守らせるために、新しいルールを増やします。で、またルールは破られます。無限ループです。程度の低い人たちに守らせるためのルールが増えると、組織がどんどん程度が低くなるという構造です。面白いですよね。
Title: The Disconnect Between Hurtful Reviews and a "Sending-Forward" Mindset
"I was so happy for people to discover my book... But then... I received a one-star review. There are unfortunate people in the world. It can't be helped. But it still hurts my sensitive heart... So, I shared my feelings at my morning meeting, and it made me feel a little better. Thank you.
My biggest reason for publishing on Kindle is the desire for approval! So, I don't want to be criticized. But I also know that publishing on Kindle means facing potential criticism. Based on this experience, I'm planning (daydreaming) about creating content for people in their 40s and 50s on how to self-publish on Kindle. Maybe it will be my first video content...
My approach will be the opposite of those hyped-up messages like "Make money with Kindle books!" or "Publish in 3 hours using generative AI!" Instead, I want to create a mentally healthy message of "Let's work steadily!" and "Let's achieve a sense of accomplishment!" Like a gentle, kind person.
Another reason I publish on Kindle is to "send forward" kindness. One of the things that greatly influenced my life after 25 was discovering business books. So, by putting my own life into words, I hope to inspire others who are struggling like I was. I want to pass on that kindness.
Therefore, my books are almost entirely based on my own experiences. There are no academic or research reports. To put it bluntly, I only write about what I've experienced. So, for people who can't relate to my experiences, it might be a one-star read. Personal values are shaped by experience. However, leaving anonymous low reviews is a different story! Humph!
Don't repay kindness; send it forward! This is another value I've developed through my life experiences. We all grow up receiving kindness from many people. That's normal. Some receive kindness directly, while others receive it indirectly from producers, distributors, and people working behind the scenes. In fact, most kindness we receive is indirect. So, it's impossible to repay everyone individually. That's why I believe that the kindness we receive should be sent forward to the next person. I think that makes the world a happier place. People who just repeat criticism are stopping that flow. Humph!
I've been writing some nice things. I'm turning 50 this year, but I still haven't tamed my anger. But I've realized that I don't want to lose this anger. Because anger is part of my identity. Before 25, I was controlled by anger. I had bitter experiences because of it, and I lost many things. That's why I can put certain things into words with conviction. That's why I can reach a certain understanding. Hooray!
Komeda Coffee always heals me.
Thank you for the collaboration sweets with Club Harie (Omihachiman, Shiga).
Thoughts on "How to Capture Hearts 2: Practical Edition"
I reread "The Popular Work Style of Introverted Leaders" and realized how great it is! It's like "How to Capture Hearts 2: Practical Edition"! I was highlighting so much of it. I really want people in leadership positions or aiming for leadership to read it. It explains what's wrong and what to do for leaders who struggle to capture the hearts of their subordinates, based on real experiences. It will be a guidebook for people who are seriously worried that their team isn't performing as expected.
If you want to learn how to capture hearts this year, please read "The Thinking Skills of an Introverted Consultant" followed by "The Popular Work Style of Introverted Leaders." It will connect the dots and organize your thoughts!
Here are some highlights I made at Komeda Coffee. If you feel a connection, please get the book and receive my "sending forward" of kindness!
There's no company that 100% satisfies everyone. If you have complaints, you should try to improve the environment within your capabilities. Designing the work environment is the responsibility of each employee. If you really hate the company, you can quit. But even if you change jobs with that mindset, you won't find a 100% perfect company. Especially for people who only complain. If you really can't find a good fit, you should become the president. Then you'll realize how much you lacked imagination when you hear complaints from your employees.
I used to be very open with information. I created an environment where even new employees could access any approved company materials without permission. Even with that, capable people will use the information, but unfortunately, others won't. So, opening up information creates even more of an information gap. But that's healthier. Compliance and confidentiality are separate issues.
People who show their weaknesses are attractive. It's called "self-disclosure." Humans are full of flaws. There's no need for flawed people to hide their weaknesses. It's not about whether you need to show them. You just don't need to hide them. If showing your weaknesses destroys trust, then there was no trust to begin with.
Organizations with many rules are low-level organizations. They're organizations with many leaders who want to control. The more independent people there are, the fewer rules there will be. Conversely, reducing rules creates an environment that fosters independent people.
In one year as a regular employee, there was a welcome party (drinking party) for a new team. When the party started, everyone except me was trying to please the team leader. I felt so disgusted by their sudden change that I left the table. I never attended another team drinking party that year.
Excerpt from "The Popular Work Style of Introverted Leaders"
If you don't fit in, you can leave. You have a choice. I haven't reached the point where I can embrace even those who spit on me and wish them happiness. Amen!"
This translation aims to be clear and simple, retaining the original meaning and tone. I hope this helps!