Q&A Diary #101: What's a recent news headline that caught your attention?
The news I am concerned about is Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Putin had been isolated under Covid conditions for two years. So he hadn’t been traveling around the world hearing what other leaders were actually saying, engaging with a lot of Russian people. He was getting only the information he wanted to hear.
Now I have to tell you that we’re now in the world where a Cuban missile crisis 2.0 is once again a possibility. We have to recognize that there is a possibility of nuclear confrontation that’s actually introduced into our modern society. It actually means the world war is possible. It is so debilitated to say that the Cold War was not over. The U.S. and its compatriot countries need to consider it.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, they opposed the inclusion of Russia in the EU and continued to treat Russia as an enemy nation. It would appear that the establishment of the military-industrial complex is what keeps the world in conflict.