Poor editor style implementation in note

Where is my italics? 

I got a nasty surprise a mere day after my note debut: no italics.

Italic typeface is ubiquitous. It is part of printed English, and for those of us who type foreign words frequently, it is indispensable, not a desideratum.

It is very easy to mark boldface in note. So why not italics?

There is an official support page on formatting, but the suggestion provided here is cumbersome and does not transform the marked text immediately into italics within the editor, as it does with boldface.


It mentions the preview popup function, and that's OK, but I can't preview the text properly without first publishing the whole article/blog, which defeats the purpose of 'previewing'….

Furthermore, unless I'm missing something obvious (and that's possible), the editor of one of the most popular blog platforms in Japan doesn't support any of the following markup methods:

*Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…*
_Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…_
<i>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…</i>

The method that's supposed to work is this:

$${\textit{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…}}$$

$${\textit{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…}}$$

I'm assuming that you can also combine multiple styles like this:

$${\textbf{\textit{bold italic}}}$$

$${\textbf{\textit{bold italic}}}$$

This is rather poor. I wrote my doctoral thesis using XeLaTeX, and subsequently typeset academic volumes and journals using the same (and XeTeX), so I am accustomed to TeX codes. But what average blogger is going to bother with all this?

They go to all the trouble of implementing complex maths mode TeX/LaTeX markup, yet it doesn't allow you to type a single word in italics using HTML. 

I'm not even going to argue that this implementation is an overkill. OK, you can type fancy mathematical formulae. But even if it works (remember, I'm writing this in the editor mode and won't get to see the end result until I publish this page), it looks like it's going to be shown in a different font, probably the default font that you get in TeX maths mode (Computer Modern?). It doesn't matter if your main text is displayed in an elegant Sans Serif font (which it isn't). You are not going to get a matching font in italics. Sigh.

Incidentally, note also doesn't justify the right margin of the main text. Auto-hyphenation in English doesn't work in some places. I noticed this but forgot to record where I saw this – it may have been in thumbnails or text boxes used for links – but I can assure you that it happens. I'm not trying to type something long like 'Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän'. Even short words are cut off. It's very amateurish-looking when a word is cut off mid-word (and without correct hyphenation).

Another thing. The editor invariably tries to capitalise the lowercase "i" in the HTML tag, which is truly infuriating. So note has some kind of auto-correct function built into the editor then. Well done. Well done, indeed.

I wrote this in English as an experiment to find out how it turns out when published. We shall see. But I won't be doing this again, probably.

Ranting over (till tomorrow).


So, I have published now, and can see that italics sort of works. But it does use the Computer Modern font in italics. I suppose I'll just have to put up with such a 'minor' aesthetic oddity.
