
Kono Taro's Message on Running for LDP Presidency

In These Critical Times, kono taro: A Heart That Faces the People, Strength to Engage with the World
In These Critical Times, Kono Taro
Allow me to convey the thoughts behind these words.

When we think of crises, what often comes to mind are international emergencies such as the situations in Ukraine, the Middle East, and the security surrounding Japan. The crisis of global democracy is also a pressing concern. However, beyond these narrowly defined crises, I believe a broader range of crises is spreading throughout Japanese society today.

The continuing sense of economic stagnation, rising prices, food shortages, energy crises, anxiety about daily life, declining birthrates, child poverty, fears about old age, loneliness and isolation, the uncertainty surrounding the sustainability of the social security system, the threat of regional depopulation, extreme weather events, natural disasters, and gender disparities.

The voices I receive and the concerns I hear during my visits all reinforce the fact that today's Japan is facing crises of various sizes and natures. Some of these crises may be attributed to the actions of the Liberal Democratic Party, and I acknowledge that criticism as valid.

Now, as we confront crises that are not only numerous but also qualitatively different and more challenging to resolve than those of the past, I am determined to fully utilize my extensive experience, gained through numerous difficult situations.

With 120 million Japanese citizens each fighting their own battles, I want to once again demonstrate what politics should look like—standing with the people.
